10. Confessions

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By the time I made it back to the living room I heard shouting. Luckily all the guests had left while Thomas and I were talking. I was dreading going into that room, knowing the argument revolved most likely around me. Before I could go in though a hand stopped me and I saw it was Dylan with James. I was thankful that Dylan tried to get James away from the argument even though he could most likely still hear it.

"Mommy why are they shouting at each other?" James asked innocently, not knowing he was probably the other reason for the argument. "I'll tell you once we're at the apartment sweetheart okay?" James just nodded in response.

"I think it's best we go" I informed Dylan, he just nodded and said "I'll go tell Ava discreetly you two are leaving" "thank you so much Dylan" I said gratefully while hugging him goodbye. He just nodded his head, smiled and left to go talk to Ava. On our way out I could hear Victoria yelling really loudly at Thomas and then a slapping noise. 'Omg did she just hit him' I wondered but just kept walking with James.


Once we arrived at the small apartment I rented for James and I, he instantly started asking questions. "Honey stop, one question at a time okay?" "Okay, why were that lady and Thomas arguing?" I had to be very careful with what I said next. 'Should I tell James about Thomas or wait?' I decided it was best for James to know, not only because he had a right to know who his father was but because he was very smart and mature for his young age.

"Jamie what I'm about to tell you might seem confusing and I just want you to know that I love you very much" "Okay" he said sounding slightly afraid. "Jamie dear remember when you asked about your dad, and I told you he and I split up before you were born, so I raised you on my own?" "Uhu" he murmured trying to figure out what that has to do with the fight.

"Well the truth is your father never even knew you existed because I never told him, which was stupid and selfish of me because he and you both have a right to know each other. I just told him about you tonight and that's why that lady and Thomas were arguing." "But why? What do they have to do with you or me?"

"Honey, Thomas is your father. That's why they were arguing. Victoria the lady, his girlfriend saw us hugging and thought he was cheating but in fact I had just told him about you and we got kind of emotional so we hugged but she totally misread the situation." "Oh that's great I mean not the arguing stuff but that I have a cool dad. Thomas ist really cool I like him a lot." James happily cheered.

I was surprised that he had taken the news so well but was glad he did. Now I just have to figure out this situation with Thomas and Victoria. I went over to James and hugged him tightly. "I love you so much so, so much Jamie. My little Prince" James giggled and replied "I love you too mommy"


The next day was a blast James and I went exploring in the city together taking pictures of pretty houses and things like that. Later I invited Ava and Dylan over and told them what had happened last night and that James now knew as well. We had a nice dinner and chatted for a while till Ava and Dylan left since it was getting late. I hadn't heard from Thomas the whole day and neither had Ava or Dylan.

It was almost midnight when I got a text from Thomas asking where I was staying while I was in London because he wanted to come by and talk. I instantly told him and 20 minutes later he was here. There was a knock at the door since I told Thomas not to ring because James was asleep. I opened the door and there he stood, his hair all messy and he looked stressed. "Hey" he smiled weakly "hey come in" I let him in and guided him to the little table in the kitchen.

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