"Tama-Chan kick!" Tamaki yelled as he flew in, kicking the man in the side. I grabbed my shirt and tugged it on. A few other boys slipped in and I ducked out of there and went over to where Haruhi was.

She had taken her blazer off and was wearing a white dress shirt. I sat down on the couch next to her.

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked. 

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk. I didn't think it'd shake me up as much as it did. 

I leaned forward and sighed, curling my fingers into my hair. "That guy, he just scared me was all," I murmured. Tadeo chuffed and pawed at my leg.

"I know, I know," I murmured, leaning back. 

"Are you okay? Are you going to have an attack again?" she asked. 

I looked at her, rather surprised. "How'd you know?" I asked softly. 

"Oh, I saw the badge of your dog's service vest and I thought it'd be interesting to research. I hope you don't mind," she said sheepishly. 

"Oh, I don't mind," I replied. I was actually rather flattered that she took the time to learn about it. I leaned back and took a deep breath. I felt my head dip back a little more but I was glad it wasn't more than that.

"Haruhi! Are you okay? That man didn't touch you did he?" Tamaki screeched, picking her up and squeezing her. 

"Ah! Senpai put me down! I'm fine. It was Mathieu-Senpai who got attacked," She exclaimed. Tamaki gasped and put her down. I gasped when he picked me up and started to spin me around.

"Oh, Mathieu! I'm so happy you're okay! You're not hurt are you?" He asked frantically, setting me down and looking me over. I frantically tried to push him away as he smothered me.

Tadeo let out a harsh bark and growled slightly. Tamaki jumped and backed away.

"Sorry," he squeaked. 

"Now that everything is resolved. Mr. Nanase, please disrobe behind that curtain, and Miss Fujioka please disrobe behind that curtains," The nurse requested, slightly irritated.

We finished our physical exams and then it was time for club hours.

"Hey, Mathieu?" Tamaki cooed, coming up from behind me.

"Hey, Tamaki," I stammered.

What could he possibly want now?

"Since I saved your life earlier, would you possibly care to join our club?" He asked, getting a little shady about it.

"Uh, I don't know," I trailed. I don't think it'd be a good idea.

"How about you just come to one meeting! And then you can decide, okay?" He chirped, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the music room.

I guess I didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Can we dog-nap your dog?" The twins suddenly asked as I entered the room.

"Er, sure, I guess. Tadeo, Libérer," I told him, letting go of his leash. 

"Thank you!" The twins cheered, hugging me tightly and rubbing their cheeks with mine.

"We're keeping you!" One of them said.

"But only for your dog!" The other replied.

"But, I suppose you're cute enough to be our dog too!" The first one stated.

"You shady twins get your hands off my prince!" Tamaki growled at them, pulling me away and holding me protectively.

Since when am I his prince?

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