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Sakura is looking at articles about recent Overbloom attacks in an attempt to find the Maxibloom somewhere out there. Her plan is to somehow pinpoint the Maxibloom's hiding spot by looking for articles about anything Oneirium related. The problem is, all of the articles tell that the events, wether it be a surge of Oneirium or an Overbloom attack, happen at different places. If they all happened around the same area, it would make Sakura's work easier.

"Saku-chan?" Hitomi knocks on the door before opening it. "Yes?" Sakura turns around on her spinning chair. "I brought you some food" Hitomi gives Sakura a plate full of food, along with a vial of blood, before quickly leaving. She and Nako know better than anyone to not disturb Sakura while she's working. "Thanks!" Sakura shouts before drinking the blood.

Chaeyeon is currently looking out the window in her room. She isn't any different from Sakura, she's also feeling bad for Wonyoung. She can't do anything about it, though. She has given up on the search for the Maxibloom, just like Minju. She fully believes that the Maxibloom is dead. She sighs sadly, thinking about how 2 of her friends are bad guys. What if there are more secret criminals in the group? For now, Chaeyeon decides that she can't trust anyone.

Sounds of sweeping fills the dorm as Chaewon sweeps the floor of the living room. She has decided to clean up, but it's evident on her face that she absolutely hates doing so. She furrows her eyebrows as she continues to sweep. "Kim Chaewon, why is your home so dirty?!" she frustratingly complains to herself, her voice muffled due to her wearing a facemask to avoid inhaling dust.

She accidentally bumps into the bookshelf, causing one of many books to fall off. The book is huge , so it makes a loud sound as it hits the ground, slightly scaring Chaewon. She clicks her tongue, shaking her head as she picks the book up. She was about to return the book when something on the front cover catches her eye. The front cover is a golden outline of a flower, but the title is what interests her more and makes her gasp. "The history of Oneirium and Radiant Flowers"

"You ever notice how creepy Geumbi looks sometimes?" Yuri asks Minju while staring at Geumbi. "Yeah, but it's still cute" Minju replies, softly petting Geumbi's head. The two are currently sitting on the couch watching some TV while Geumbi is on Minju's lap.

Yena is roaming the streets as she has no place to stay. She wasn't able to sleep last night due to shock of what she did to that man, and instead decided to roam the streets for the whole night. Even now, it still weirds her out that she could do that. She shudders at the thought before walking by the base. She looks at the base, and it crosses her mind that she has her own room there. The base is basically a second home for all 12 members, so she enters and decides to live there, at least for the time-being.

A few hours have passed, and it's already 9 PM.
"Wonyoung, wake up! Let's eat dinner together!"
Wonyoung's eyes flutter open, revealing a smiling Yujin laying right in front of her. She's still hugging Yujin, and she doesn't let go. "What time is it?" Wonyoung says as she rubs her eyes. "It's 9 already" and Wonyoung's eyes widen at this response. "9 PM?!" she shouts, sitting up. Yujin nods, following Wonyoung in sitting up. "MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS BROKEN NOW"

Yujin only giggles as Wonyoung throws a little tantrum over her sleep schedule. "THANKS TO YOUR CUTE FACE, I WON'T BE ABLE TO SLEEP ANYMORE!" Wonyoung points at Yujin before throwing a pillow right at her face. Wonyoung sighs, putting her hands on her head. "How'd you even fall asleep?" Yujin questions, standing up from the bed and lending a hand to Wonyoung. "I should be asking you that question" Wonyoung quips back, grabbing Yujin's hand and standing up.

"I mean isn't that what best friends do?"
"It's normal for best friends to sleep next to each other, right?"

Wonyoung looks at Yujin for a moment before nodding. "Let's go eat dinner" Yujin leads her downstairs. The downstairs is quiet as her parents are now asleep. Yujin pulls her to the kitchen where they find food and eventually eat together.

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