Chapter 22

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I am so sorry it took so long oh my god. I'm just.. I don't even know what was keeping me away tbh. Last weekend was so busy and then I got sick and then I finally was able to write again and I lOst mY sToryliNe and I flipped tables and panicked on Twitter and then I finally found it (bleSs) so hERE YOU GO (finally) ILY ALL THANKS FOR WAITING (it's not like you had a choice but still haha oops)

Three days later, Sam found him and Dean a job. They were packing their bags as Charlie walked into Dean's room.


"Hey kiddo, what's up?"

"You are sure the bunker is safe, right?"

Dean smiled reassuringly. "I'm a 100% sure. Kevin is now in heaven and there's nothing else that could possibly be here. Why that so?"

"I don't know," Charlie sighed. "It's just... you two are always here, and I'm really glad you found a job, but it'll be so silent and I don't know what to do when you're gone."

Dean thought for a moment, and a second later, Cas appeared next to him. "Hello, Dean."

"Hiya Cas, do you maybe have the time to stay with Charlie when we're gone?"

Cas nodded. "Of course I will. I understand it can be cold and lonely in here."

Dean smiled once more and then stood still. "Something's missing..." he mumbled. He shook his head, and walked to his Baby. "See you in a few days, bye guys!" he yelled before getting in.

When they were on the highway, Sam turned to Dean. "What was that about?"


"You said something was missing? How do you mean, something is missing?" Sam asked. Maybe, Dean would get back his memory sooner than Cas had hoped.

"I don't know, Sammy. I had the feeling something was missing, but I couldn't point out what. Must be some random déjà vu. Don't worry, I'm all fine," Dean said.

Sam decided to say nothing, and they drove on in silence until Dean put on the new tape he had bought.

"Really? The still sell those things?"

Dean grinned. "Oh yes. No single reason for you to put in some modern technology crap in my Baby."

Sam just shrugged and decided to stay silent in case his mouth was his mind ahead and he accidentally said something about Dean and Cas.

While Sam and Dean were on their hunt, Charlie and Cas were in the bunker. Even tho Charlie didn't like what Cas had done to Dean, Cas had been part of her family for a while now. They talked about how Cas would talk to Kevin when he was human.

They had a good time, together. For an angel of the Lord, Cas had become a very talkative person.

On the end of the second day, Dean had texted Charlie, telling they were done, but needed to catch up on sleep before they were able to drive home. Charlie texted him back saying he was getting old, with a winky face, which Cas didn't understand.

"It's an expression, I didn't mean it literally," she explained and Cas nodded.

"How old are you actually? I've always wondered," she admitted.

"I have lost count in the billions, but I am almost as old as the earth," Cas said. He liked Charlie; not many people had actually been trying to converse with him as if he was just another human.

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