Chapter 15

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The next weeks felt like hell. Now that both Cas and Kevin were gone, the bunker seemed silent, even though Charlie was there with them. Sam and Dean tried to just do what they always did, but it was hard.

Sometimes, when they got back from a hunt, Dean would walk into the bunker, expecting to see Cas there, reading a book. But Cas wasn’t there. Cas was gone and he hadn’t shown any signs of life yet.

The first week, Sam and Dean had their hope. Maybe Cas would come back. Maybe the job was done by getting the angels back to heaven. But deep inside, they knew it wasn’t done yet. Heaven was still closed, now with all the angels and not-angels in it.

A few years ago, Dean would’ve gone to a bar to get drunk, hit on some random chick and get laid to not think about anything. But now, he just sat in the bunker with Sam, flipping through page after page, book after book, pouring both of them one drink after another.

Charlie made herself helpful by hacking some sites, going grocery shopping, making some food every once in a while, making sure both Sam and Dean ate it, and cleaning the bunker. It wasn’t much, but it was appreciated by the brothers. Without Charlie they probably would have gone days without eating.

They didn’t speak much, sometimes they’d mumble some words they were writing down, and a few words were exchanged every morning and evening.

Dean also didn’t speak of something he should’ve talked about with Sam: his hallucinations. He saw Cas everywhere, just like when he came back from purgatory. It was driving him crazy, but he didn’t say anything about it to Sam and Charlie. They’d probably worry about him if he told them, and right now, they needed to be focused.

Both Sam and Dean had no idea what to search for. They had opened the heavenly gates and the angels and ghosts had left earth. So what now? They had decided to just get every little thing they could find about heaven together.

Sure, it meant a lot of work to do, but Cas was there. And Cas didn’t belong there. Cas belonged in Dean’s arms, not alone in heaven.

This went on for a few weeks, Sam and Dean getting more desperate with every book they closed. Even Charlie seemed to lose her always-happy-smile.

Then, one day, a man walks into the bunker, immediately faced with the end of 2 guns.

“No, please, don’t kill me,” he said.

“Give me one reason why we shouldn’t,” Dean replied, voice harsh. “Who are you?”

“Call me… Mr. Jones. I’m running away from a certain someone.” His face changed, only for a second, but it was enough for Sam and Dean to see. they lowered their guns.

“Well… Mr. Jones, I guess you got something to tell us. What about you visit our guest room?” Sam said before turning around, expecting the man to follow him to their dungeon.

“Well, well, well, Mr. Trickster did it again, didn’t he?” Dean said as soon as the door closed. “This is the Trickster, also known as Gabriel the archangel. Big bag of dicks, but can be extremely helpful at times,” he explained to Charlie.

Charlie just nodded. “I know. The one who let you die about a hundred times on Tuesday, right? I’ve read the books. Just to mention: I totally ship Destiel!” she added.

Dean just sighed. Fangirls and their stuff, he’d never understand them.

“Anyways,” Gabriel said. “I have news about Cassie.”

Dean’s head immediately snapped back to Gabriel, all ears.

Gabriel laughed. “Oh my, you really do like him, don’t you?” he teased.

“I don’t…” Dean fell silent. “Yes, I do. Now please, go on.” He raised one eyebrow when he heard Charlie making the noises that were most comparable with a dying whale. Fangirls.

“So, Cassie is now captured my Metatron, being punished for rebelling against heaven. You two,” he pointed at Dean and Sam. “Have to fight him to free Cas and open the gates. But you need someone else’s help, I’d say pay a visit to our good ol’ writer.

I can’t do much more; I can’t even show myself in angel form. Heaven’s got eyes everywhere now, I’m not safe here.” Gabriel finished.

Dean nodded; he understood perfectly what Gabriel meant. He was saddened by what the archangel had told them, but if there was a way to save Cas, he’d go for it. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Gabriel, who held out a small bottle.


“Cas’ grace. Use it when you’re in heaven, you’ll need him to get back to earth.” Gabriel explained to an awe struck Dean.

“This is…” Dean wasn’t able to form a full sentence.

“Yes. In fact, angel’s grace is similar to a human’s soul. Don’t lose it,” Gabriel added. “I must go now, before they find out I’m gone again. I’ve been sneaking out a lot lately, but hey, always happy to bleed for the Winchesters, isn’t it?” he said, quoting Cas.

“Thank you, Gabriel. We’ll make sure Gas gets back here safely, even if it’s the last thing to do. We owe you that much,” Sam said before Gabriel went invisible.

When Gabriel was gone, Sam and Charlie walked out of the dungeon, Dean following closely. When he closed the door, he heard Gabriel’s voice in his ear.

“Keep it with you, Dean. It’ll make you feel closer to Cas,” it said.

Dean looked at the small bottle of grace in his hand. He closed his fist around it and noticed a small ring on the plug. He thought about what Gabriel had told him, and suddenly he understood it.

Once they were back in the living room of the bunker, he took out the necklace and hung the grace next to the amulet. He smiled sadly before putting it back under his shirt. The two people he cared for the most of the whole world, so close to his heart.

“Well,” Dean said, as he walked to the kitchen. “I say we get some food and pay our good friend Chuck a visit.” 

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