Start from the beginning

He took off his jacket and handed it to me. I absolutely refused to get my pussy blood on his jacket. He sighed and turned me around, wrapping his jacket around my waist. "Get in, I'll take you to get cleaned up at our house." He told me, opening the door for me. "Our?" I asked him. "Yes, I live with my father and my sister and brothers in a mansion not far from here." He explained. Great so now everyone at his house is going to see blood dripping down my leg.

I sat down and he got in next to me. I guessed that this was his car since I didn't recognize the driver. "How long have you been working with my dad and my brothers?" I asked him, attempting to break the awkward silence. "Almost my entire life. I grew up with you, your brothers and Adrain." He told me. "Your dad, my dad and Adrians dad are really close friends. Your father never let me play with you because he thought I'd try and hurt you." He told me.

"And would you have hurt me?" I questioned. "No. I stayed to myself most of the time. I banged a girls head on a swing set pole because she pulled my hair." He calmly stated. "Wait so you hurt her because she pulled your hair??" I questioned. "I'm not very fond of being touched, yet I let you kiss me." He said. I smiled at what he said. He liked that I kissed him? "So you liked that I kissed you?" I further questioned.

".. No." He sharply replied. "Oh really?" I scoffed. I leaned over and put my hand on his cheek. He grabbed my face, forcing eye contact. "You don't seem to like to take things slowly." He said to me, his brown and blue eyes pierced holes into mine. How do you even respond to that? He scoffed and let go of my face. "Don't you and Adrian have something going on?" He asked.

I zoned out for a second but was distracted when he grabbed my neck. "Answer." He demanded. "We did. I realized that he was just playing with my feelings. I don't have time to wait for him to want me only." I explained. He brushed his thumb on my face and said, "He is my childhood best friend but nobody in the Mafia will ever be good for you. No matter how much you think you know him he'll just break your fragile heart." He stated.

"Do.. you do that?" I questioned, feeling blood gush out of me. I sat down so that I wouldn't get blood on the seat. "Yes and no. I've only ever been in a relationship once. I was loyal to her, gave her attention, cared for her, gave her what she needed then she tried to kill my sister." He told me. Wow this guy has an interesting life.

"Wait what ?! Is she okay?" I asked. "My sister is fine. I almost killed her but my mother stopped me." He said. I wasn't shocked. "But I'm not in a relationship now and being loyal to a girl I'm not dating doesn't make sense. Only if I think she's the only one for me. Then I'd chose her over the rest." He explained. He stared into my eyes as I tried to fully understand. "So the rest they.." I was cut off .

"I stopped talking to all of them, Life right now isn't the greatest, especially because your little boyfriend is going to try and kill me when we get to Italy." He said. "He wouldn't." I told him. "You think you know him, but you don't. He does what he wants, gets what he wants, says what he want." He went on. He seemed like something was upsetting him.

"J... are you okay? Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked. "No." He coldly answered. I felt like he shut me out. Something was definitely bothering him and I wanted to know what it was. "You can talk to me." I told him. He glared at me. I sighed in defeat and took my hand off of his thigh. "You're acting like Adrian." I murmured.

He scoffed. "I'm nothing like Adrian. Me and him are absolutely not similar. Im taller he's shorter, He has black straight hair I have black wavy hair, Hes weaker I'm stronger, The only thing that we have in common is that we always seem to like the same girls." He went on. "What do you mean?" I asked. "We both liked this one girl named Sierra." He explained. "It destroyed our relationship and we never spoke to one another again." He went on.

Thats a stupid reason to not be friends anymore. I sighed as he turned and looked out the window. Lets not forget that you have period blood gushing out of that punani of yours. This is just embarrassing, why me? just why? The feelings I had for Adrian were pushed down, all I could think about was why it was so easy to kill Veto. Maybe he wasn't the real Veto, a person like him would never let his guard down.

I stared out the window, thinking of possible ways he could still be alive. A few moments later we arrived at his place. It was ginormous and the exterior design was magnificent. I climbed out of the car with my thighs pressed tightly together. It was almost pitch black but the lights surrounding the house made everything visible. I walked awkwardly next to J as we both approached the large, white door.

The door handles were gold and there were flowers and bushes everywhere. There was a concrete path leading from the street to the entrance. In the middle of the path was a waterfall. The water made a loud beautiful sound  as it splashed down back to the water. Everything was neat and clean. He opened the door with a key card and walked in.

Word count: 1799

Word count: 1799

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