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I woke up in a beautiful white bedroom that seemed very elegant. The sheets were white and the pillows were a beautiful light pink. The chandelier was what caught my attention. It shined beautifully with crystals hanging down from them. The headboard of the bed was brown and there were flowers next to the bed.

I tried to get up but a bolt of pain shocked my body. I screamed loudly and grabbed my thigh. The pain in my leg was excruciating. I slowed down my breathing and sighed loudly, covering my face with my hands. I began to break out in tears.

I felt so weak and I hated it. This is not giving bad bitch. It's giving weakling. I sighed and threw the blanket over my head. I noticed that I was in nothing but a bra and a thong. The thong and bra was black and exposed a lot of my body.

I threw my leg over my other one and slid off of the bed. I hopped on my right leg and made my way towards the door. I cracked the door open and peeked through the gap. There was a long hallway that was incredibly dark for it to be morning. I closed the door and hopped over to the dresser against the wall.

I opened all of the drawer's in search of shorts and a shirt. I found leopard Juicy Couture booty shorts and slid into them making sure I didn't hurt my shot wound. I found a white tank top and put it on. I noticed that there was a cross chain on the dresser. It was Adrians chain.

I picked it up and put it on. I made the chain as tight as it could be because it was so long. Once I put the chain on I picked out black socks and hopped over to the beautiful bed. I leaned on the bed and put the socks on then hopped over to the door and opened it. I slid the hair tie off of my wrist and put my hair up in a messy bun before walking out of the room.

I hopped down the hallway slowly while sliding my hand across the wall gently. I made sure not to hop too loudly. There was a door cracked open and there was voices coming from inside. I hopped closer to the door and put my ear against the door. "I told you, I didn't mean to shoot her." I heard a familiar voice boom loudly making me take a step back.

"You still shot her, and now she is in pain because of you." Amalo raised his deep voice. "Back up, Amalo." Adrian raised his voice back. I could hear him get closer to Amalo. Everything went silent. I looked around and no one was in the hallway. I pushed the door open and stood in front of them.

I blinked in confusion. They all stared at me, all of my brothers were there in the room sitting on the bed, or on the dresser or on a chair. I watched as Adrian studied my body. "Why are you guys yelling at each other?" I asked them putting my hands together, so that they covered my bleeding thigh. "Nothing, Yelena, what are you doing in here? and how did you get over here?" Emilio asked me, walking over to me. He grabbed my chin and tucked a piece of hair that was left out of my bun behind my ear.

"I...hopped over here." I answered, looking up at his tall figure. He scoffed and picked me up carefully, I wrapped my arms around his neck so I didn't fall. He laid me down on the bed and all of my brothers laid their heads someplace on my body. I watched as all of them got comfortable on my parts of my body. Adrian glanced at me and walked out of the room. I desperately wanted to talk to him and ask what happened on the plane.

"Guys." I whispered. "Hm?" They answered, adjusting their body's so they could hear what I had to say. "What happened after I passed out?" I asked, running my hand through Xavier's hair. "Mama laid you down on one of the seats until we landed and made Alvero and Emilio carry you into the mansion. Mama changed you and got a doctor, who is a close friend of hers, clean your wound and take the bullet out." Romeo explained to me.

"You guys are sadists?" I asked already knowing the answer. "Yes...we've been in the mafia for long, and killed so many people that we started torturing people just for the fun of it." Emilio told me clenching his fists. I sighed and said, "I'm mad at all of you for not helping me, I could have died." I whispered with a frown.

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