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Yelena's POV:

I could hear them calling my name, but I needed to cry a bit more. I needed to heal. Living with heartbreak is not something I want in my life. Mimi's voice was breaking. I could hear her struggle trying to call my name. I wanted to go out there and tell everyone I was fine, but I just couldn't.

Just when I thought that things couldn't get worse, Shaquille walked through the door and sat on his chair. lucky he didn't push in his chair. He started to write on a piece of paper. I only knew what he was doing because I could here his pen moving and writing on the piece of paper. I wiped my tears away and started praying because I wanted him to leave.

why would you pick his office then dumbass? Shut up. I stopped praying because I heard someone come though the door. Elmo walked through the door. Out of all people, it just had to be him."Papa, Alvero, and Romeo say Yelena is missing," he said, walking up to Shaq's desk. He sighed and replied, "check the cameras. Let Mimi check her bedroom camera though."

Did he say bedroom camera? This is absolute bullshit. Why the hell is there a camera in my bedroom. I heard Shaq sigh and stand up. He walked out of his office to who knows where. All I cared about at the moment was why the hell he has a god damn camera in my bedroom. I wonder if Adrian knows. He probably does. Shit

I crawled out of the tiny corner I was sitting in and stood up to see papers of my name at the top. They seemed to be contracts. I picked one up and read one with a prepossessed look on my face. I began to read the contract. I discerned something enthralling. Adrian was mentioned on the paper. Adrian signed his signature at the bottom of the paper and so did my father aka big shaq. Curiosity flowed throughout my entire body. I am a very inquisitive individual. I skipped to the bottom of the paper because I'm lazy and rather not read the paragraph that I'm staring at but I really wanted to know what the contract is about. I got over my inertia and began to read the overly long paragraph. "This Contract is entered into by and between Carlos Alverez, and Adrian Costello, The term of this Agreement shall begin on the day that Yelena Alverez arrives blah, blah, blah, Adrian Costello is to stay away and not to touch Yelena Alverez in any sexual way or there will be consequences."

So elmo was telling the truth."Yelena, why are you touching my things?." Shaq came into the room, raising an eyebrow and putting his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes and said, "Why the hell would you make Adri sign this?" slamming the contract on the desk. He approached me with an odd facial expression. I couldn't read him.

"Did you just call Adrian, Adri? he asked, grabbing the contract "it's not a big deal. It's just a name." I said, crossing my arms. Before I could blink after that sentence, he gripped me up by my shirt, pulling me close to his face. "Yelena, you better think twice when saying certain things around this family. I will not tolerate you disrespecting my underboss." he said, infuriated. I snapped back and yelled, "And I will not tolerate you disrespecting the man that I love!"

He cringed at what I had just yelled. "Don't go running into things you can't handle." he said calmly, letting go of my shirt and leaving his office. He's so extra. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the office, I shouldn't have. Emilio, Amalo, Alvaro, Romeo, Mimi, Blonde bitch and Adrian were all in the living room. They looked like a cult from where i'm standing. I sighed and approached the wild beasts.

"Heyyy..." I said slowly approaching them. "Where the actual hell have you been?" Mimi said getting up from the couch. "Here and there, you know." I chuckled slightly "No, I don't know. Why don't you explain to me where you've been for the past five hours." Adrian said approaching me with his hands in the pockets of his grey sweat pants " I was..." I would tell them where I was and what I was doing, but I saw blonde bitch paying close attention to what I was about to say.

"Ugh, forget it, you don't need to know. It's none of your business." I snarled. I stormed off to my room and threw myself onto my pink bed. I buried my head in one of my pink pillows and screamed in it. I needed to let off some steam. I heard a hard knock on the other side of my bedroom door. "Go away." I yelled, my head still buried into the pillow.

The door opened but I didn't care who it is. I'm just so tired of feeling this way. Drowning myself in thoughts like I usually do, a hand gripped my ass tightly. I rolled over to see who it is."Get up." Adrian said removing his hand from my ass. I stuck my tongue out at him and rolled back over. He sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Don't make me give your father a show, Yelena." he whispered in my ear

"Ugh, I hate you." I said rolling over again "What ever you say princess." he said with a smirk. His smirk dropped and his face looked ice cold. "I said get up." he said grabbing my arm. I looked at him thinking he was going to hurt me but instead he did something I never thought he would ever do... He hugged me and told me everything would be okay, then cuddled with me until I fell asleep.

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