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I really did not want to go to this ball or whatever the fuck it was. Dumbass. Why is it that i'm always the cause of drama in my family? I don't mean to, starting problems was never my cup of tea. It wasn't your cup of anything. I sighed and grabbed the tight dress the maids left me. It was black and had no straps.

I felt powerful in the dress. I put my black heels on then did my makeup. I curled my hair then grabbed the black handbag the maids had left and walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs and met everyone in the living room. Everyone seemed rich and clean. I was not the only one wearing black. My brothers were wearing a black tux and expensive jewelry.

I lost hella weight because of my little diet. "You look great, Yelena" Emilio complemented me, giving me a hug. I saw my father buttoning his tux in the corner. My mom was on the other side of the room. "Are you guys mad at each other?" I asked my mom and dad. They looked at each other then made their way next to each other.

"No, of course not." My mom replied with a fake smile. I hate it when people don't genuinely smile at me. Then again, you do it yourself soo. I ignored them and turned around to see Adrian talking to Sofia. I raised my eyebrow and approached them. "Hey guys, what are you talking about?" I questioned, smiling at Adrian.

"You look beautiful, Yelena." Adrian complemented me. I kissed him then walked over to Emilio. I wasn't allowed to help them with their Mafia shit but I was allowed to eat. I was going to make the most of it. "When are we leaving?" I asked him. "When the cars get here." He replied. "Alright let's go. We're already late." My father announced, walking outside.

We followed behind him, walking out to see Black cars parked in front of the mansion. Adrian got into the same car as me. We sat next to each other and said not a word. The car drove for what felt like hours. Deja vu. I was afraid of what might happen at the ball. Anything was possible. It's the Mafia of course, one of us could possibly die.

I want to put any feelings aside and think of what could happen when we get there. Drama between me and him had no space left in my mind. Only thoughts of bad things happening crossed my mind. "What's on your mind, baby?" Adrian asked, rubbing my thigh. "Just thinking about tonight, that's all." I replied, keeping my eyes on the trees we passed.

"Everything will be fine, there's nothing to worry about, my love." He told me, sliding me over, forcing me to sit next to him. I put my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes until we got there. The car came to a stop a few minutes later. I opened my eyes to see an elegant mansion standing tall in front of our car.

I stepped out of the car and admired the mansion in awe. Adrian wrapped his arm around mine and held my hand, walking me up the steps and into the mansion. "Adrian, what happens when everything goes wrong?" I questioned, stopping him before we got in. He grabbed my face with one of his hands and pulled me close to him, kissing my lips gently.

"Everything will go just fine, we've done things like this before." He reassured me, he seemed more gentler than usual. He knew something was going to happen, that's why he wasn't being a dick. I smiled and nodded before turning and walking in with him. Two guards stood tall against the wall behind the door.

— not as tall as Adrian. They didn't even ask who he was they just let him walk right in freely. I felt stares and admiration in the mens eyes. Adrian looked down at me and snarled. "I should have made you wear a hoodie and sweatpants." He murmured, walking towards my father and brothers who were already sitting down at a table.

"Everyone knows the plan, correct?" My dad asked, waiting for everyone to respond. "Yes, you went over the plan more than ten times." Emilio sighed. "Okay, everyone into their positions." My father demanded, standing up and walking over to a few men. "Yelena, we need you to distract the crowd, put this in your ear, we can hear each-other through it." Emilio told me, handing me an ear piece.

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