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I woke up around four o'clock in the morning sore as hell. I was still in his room. I yawned and threw my arms above my head, stretching. I smiled and stared at my feet, thinking about his touch..his scent..his breath..his soft lips..his rough skin...his beautiful grey eyes. I was mesmerized by his grey eyes that stared so intently into my own. His gaze shook me to my core, but I loved it when he looked at me. "Ugh, you pussy bitch!" I yelled, punching his expensive mattress

He's such an asshole. He has sex with me then leaves me in his room, hopeless. I always end up forgiving him for his actions, but this time, I wasn't. He's a jerk. "hmph!" i sighed and slipped into my lingerie "what time is it.." i asked myself

It was 4:00 in the morning, and I had no clue where the person that just banged me for three hours straight was... such an odd man. I spotted his closet with gigantic doors right in front of me. Since he was a jerk and just left me in his bedroom, I will have a bit of fun until everyone else in the house wakes up. Yesterday papa hired three hot ass housemaids, and I'm straight and all but for them- Anyway, I walked proudly towards the gigantic doors that stood before me. I smirked and pulled the doors open.

It was beautiful; the closet was filled with black clothing and shiny black shoes. There were so many tuxes, but the chandelier caught my eye. I had a plan in motion but asked myself if it was a good idea to cut his expensive, shiny-looking shoes with scissors, but I remembered he is filthy rich and can afford pretty much anything. After leaving all of his expensive shoes ripped up and broken on the floor, I spotted his hoodie section; yes, he has sections. I walked over to his hoodie section with a smirk painted on my face.

I yanked his black hoodie off of his hanger and slipped it on; it went down to my knees. It was cute, so I kept it on instead of putting it back and respecting his things. I could care less if he yelled at me for destroying his shoes and wearing his clothes. If he yells at me, I will cry, which will not be good for him. I sighed and took my ponytail out because it was too tight.

I left it out because I love my long hair. It's so healthy and easy to brush. Anyway, enough hair talk. Something shiny caught my eye; a big watch covered in diamonds in a brown box on a shelf above the t-shirt section was sitting there waiting to be touched. Of course, I remember what my old mother taught me.

"Things don't have a sign saying "touch me!" On them, so don't touch anything unless you're told otherwise by me." mamma would always tell me that when we were at her friend's house.

I decided to leave the watch alone and leave his room. It was making me sick. I felt nauseous. My head ached, and my stomach felt like it was in a knot. this is billshit.

I made my way down the steps to see Amalo's room. I memorized the rooms and who they belonged to. Amalo's room door was cracked open, and I saw smoke. I decided to push the door open, and I saw Emilio sitting on Amalo's king-sized bed. I watch Emilio's eyes study my body. I had Adrian's hoodie on, and you could tell I had no pants on.

"Yelena," Emilio called me, standing up, making his way towards me "Let me see your neck," he demanded more than asked "Um, why?" I asked him with a hand on my hip and a raised eyebrow. I was still mad at that damn asshole for snitching and telling Shaq that I had sex with Adrian. Emilio reached for my neck and gripped my neck with his right hand. His left hand moved the hoodie so that he could see my neck.

"Emilio-" I was cut off. "Yelena, you're going to get him killed," he told me, backing away from me and letting go of the hoodie and my neck. "What the hell are you talking about, snitch," I asked him, still confused.
"Stop having sex with him, Yelena. You're going to get him killed," he told me, crossing his arms

"Do you remember when Adrian looked like he got jumped?" he asked me "Yes," I responded.
"Before you came to the house, Papa made Adrian sign a contract saying that if he were to have sex with you or touch you in any sexual way, he would get beaten to a pulp by, guess who, no other than all five of your brothers," he explained to me

"You don't know a lot about this family, Yelena," he told me . What the actual fuck. That's just plain cruel.
"What the hell!??" I yelled at Emilio "Whats going on?" Amalo asked confused walking out of his bathroom
"You're monsters!!" I yelled at them "Yelena-" Emilio was cut off by me "YOU ARE SICK, ALL OF YOU!!" I yelled even louder at both of them this time.

I could care less if I hurt their poor little mafia feelings. I got to take a look at Emilio and Amalo's facial expressions. They were both different. Emilio's jaw was clenching; you could see it. Amalo was standing there, staring at his floor, balling up his fists.

"What's going on in here?" my "father" came in asking, concerned. I made eye contact with my father, and I knew he could see the tears forming in my eyes because my eyes were wide open. He studied my face trying to figure out what had happened. "You. Are a monster, Papa." I slightly whispered and ran out of Amalo's room into my own.

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