Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

When I woke up this morning I felt so tired and so I knew my wolf felt weak so I knew I needed to hunt and rip and so I got out of bed and then I made the bed and then I went into the bathroom and I got washed and then I went back into my bedroom and I took my pyjamas off and I got changed into my clothes.

Then I went over to my bedroom door and I opened it and walked out it and as I did I heard talking and I knew it was more than my family downstairs so I took a breath and I ran downstairs to see who was there and to see who the so called Cullen coven was since there would be living here for a while.

So when I got downstairs I went into the living room and I saw my parents and my aunts and uncle talking to 7 other vampires with yellow colored eyes so I walked up to them and I said morning and my parents turned to look at me and said morning Bella did you sleep well and I said smiling yes I did and then my dad said Bella there is some breakfast in the kitchen for you.

Then I said ok thank you and I walked into the kitchen and I sat at the table and I started eating my breakfast and I took about 30 minutes to eat it and then I went back into the living room and my uncle Garrett said pointing to the Cullen's Bella this is the family we were talking about that is Carlisle, Esme, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie and Edward and then all the coven said hi Bella it's nice to meet you.

So then Carlisle said we have heard so much about you and I said yeah I've heard about you to especially the part where you killed uncle Laurent last year and my family all looked at me in shock as my aunt Irina said right Bella that's enough and I said what no I want to know why they killed him and Edward said we killed him because he tried to kill my mate Angela.

Then I said getting angry yeah so what it didn't give you the fucking right to kill him he was my favorite uncle he was my best friend and my dad said standing up Bella Marie Denali don't you dare use that kind of language in this house and I said but dad they killed Laurent and my dad shouted I know they did but they had good reason.

So then I said no they didn't they had no reason and Carlisle said Bella we are sorry we killed your uncle but he give us no other choice and then I screamed you didn't even give him a chance to fucking change and then my mom said right Bella that's enough you apologize right now and I said no I don't need to apologize to them they need to say they are sorry to you all and me.

Then my dad said right Bella that's enough go to your room and I said what no fair and my mom said no Bella it isn't but go to your room now and I said whatever I hate you all so much and then I stormed out of the living room and I ran up to my room.

So then on my way upstairs to my room I heard Alice say oh god no and my dad said what Alice and Alice said the Volturi they are coming they will be here in 5 hours but I ignored her and my dad and I ran to my room and ran into it and slammed the door and when I slammed it I ran to my bed and I lied down on it and I started crying.

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