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Arthur heard a light rattling, followed by Merlin walking in. With the suit of armour. 'Isn't this fortuitous?' He gave the costume a look.

Arthur gave Merlin a look. 'I'm surprised you know a big word like that.' He got up to examine the costume.

Merlin gave a dismissive shake of the head.

'It actually looks quite impressive,' said Arthur. He took out the shoulder piece on top and eyed the realistic looking mail shirt underneath. He would get to wear the armour after all, even though it was originally meant for him at the charity run. Merlin jumped on the idea again when they discovered Morgana's CFA quiz was Medieval Fayre themed.

'Oh good,' said Merlin, 'I did hire it from an expensive place.'

Arthur looked sceptical.

'Not with my own money. I billed it under one of your expenses.'

'And I'm surprised that was approved by our finance team.'

'Though you can't wear the helmet now, since you'd want to show your face for the quiz.'

'Hmm,' Arthur agreed, not noticing Merlin getting up to retrieve a bowl from the kitchen.

'Which means you'll be needing a haircut. It is a bit on the overgrown side.' Merlin's lips turned up as he held up the empty bowl. 'And since you're meant to be a medieval knight, it's only right you get a bowl cut.'

Arthur's eyes widened.

'It would make you even more relatable, what with everyone's lockdown haircut disasters.'

'Right.' Arthur drew out the word and grabbed the bowl off Merlin. 'Only if you also get a bowl cut and come as the court jester.'


Gwen answered the video call on the third ring. 'Hello, Arthur! Ready for the quiz?'

'Hi! Yeah.' Perhaps he wasn't as prepared as he'd thought.

Gwen filled in the silence. 'Morgana's just getting ready. I can go get her if you had any questions for her-'

'No. I, uh, wanted to talk to you. Hence,' Arthur smiled, a little awkward, 'calling you on your account.'

'Right.' Gwen smiled and gave a little shake of the head. 'Love the knight costume.' She wanted to say he wore it well but instead added, 'The armour looks cool.'

'Yeah, Merlin did well, getting a hold of it. You look great, by the way.'

'Thank you.' Gwen briefly looked down at her costume. 'It's supposed to be a fair-maiden look.'

'Well, you certainly look it.' His eyes caught the embroidered foliage on the fitted vest she wore over a lavender dress. 'The design looks quite authentic.'

'Thanks. I actually did the embroidery myself. Something to do over the lockdown, I thought.'

Arthur's brows rose. 'Really?' He examined the medieval inspired embroidery more closely. 'That's awesome -you've got a talent for it then.' Then he quickly remembered he should probably look back up from her bodice. Except it was no help. He was distracted, nonetheless, as Gwen swept aside a swirl of hair away from her face. She had the rest of it in a side braid, with tiny flowers tucked into it. Arthur sat straighter. Yes, he wanted her to be his fair maiden but that probably wasn't the best place to start. 'I wanted to apologise for...what I said to you about the kiss.'

The smile left Gwen's face. Her lips parted in surprise.

'I was being a coward. So I made up what I said about not knowing what came over me.'

Merlin and Arthur in LockdownWhere stories live. Discover now