Part 28

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Pov rafe:

We walk into the police station and thankfully no other people are there except for some police officers. "Rafe cameron" i turn around and see shoup standing behind me. He looks mad, well me and my friends did kind off hurt him so i understand. Wheez stands behind me. I think shes scared of him.

"Hey wheez why dont u call dad already, you know the plan, stick to it" she nods and walks out of the station. Shoup told me to get into his office. I walk behind him, im kind of nervous.

"So kid what are you doing here" i take a seat infront of his desk "Ava is alive" he nods "alright that really good news" i smile "yessir and im here to clear her name" he takes out his note book and a pen "better start talking kid"

I tell him everything. Every single detail from that night that we went there, every detail about Ava and the money she gave elijah and i even told him a lot of small details about the relationship between me, Ava And JJ. He just listened he didn't interrupt once, he did write a lot of things down though but he was just quiet.

When i was done with the story he didnt say anything. He just kept quiet. "I got you a deal young men" i nod "do tell" shoup closes his note book "I will stop the search on Ava Bailey and she can get home but we need to talk to her and to JJ alright?" Im confused.. how did that go so easy? "Oke but i will be next to Ava with every word she says" he shakes my hand and we made the deal. I say him goodbye and walk out of the department. Something is definitely not right...

Pov: Ava

JJ has ordered 4 burgers i have to say im pretty impressed like 4 burgers!? How i cant even eat 2, But well it is JJ maybank, he also ate like 25 chicken nuggets and 2 small pizzas. If hes gonna puke tonight im not gonna clean it. We took Luke his phone with us Incase something happened. He doesn't mind he never uses it anyway.

"Hey waiter can we have the check please" JJ looks mad "we dont have any money Ava what!?" I take 2 100 dollar bills out of my pocket "always be prepared" he stands up and runs over to me to hug me "ugh your a good friend ava" i smile "no im just your sugar mommy" he smiles "well now that we have money i can take dessert right?" Now im the one that looks mad "JJ if your dying of calories it is your own fault" he smiles "i know dont worry"

That guy is crazy

His Touch - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now