Part 16

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I fell asleep in rafe his arms. He snores like always. Its so cute and annoying. I hear someone run down the stairs. Jj walks in "SHHH" he looks offended at me "what" he whispers

"Hes sleeping"
"I see that"
"We are here"

"Ill wake him up" he nods and walks away. I kiss him on his cheek "stop" he hums. I roll my eyes and grab my clothes off the floor

"Come on rafe we are at that stupid train station" he opens his eyes immediately "alright im up" he jumps up and almost falls out of the bed he grabs some clothes off the floor "here my hoodie" i smile and put it on.

We walk upstairs and rafe is laying his hand on my lower back. "Dont be scared" kie and sarah are looking tired and scared. They already know just like me that the boys are gonna pull some prank on us. I grab kie her hand and she lays her head on my shoulder

"We better not die tonight" i laugh as sarah is sitting next to me "we won't i promise" rafe jumps off the boat "wow that was hot" sarah slaps me "auw what did i do?"

"Thats my brother you moron" i smile and rafe winks at me. The boys get out first and then help us to get safely on the ground. I look around but see nothing, well its dark duh but still there are no lights the moon is also not here its just weirdly dark. "Come on guys" rafe and jj take the lead "they're fucking crazy" kie whispers in my ear. I nod and i grab the hands of both my bestfriends.

"So we need to search for an opening or like what are you doing?" Rafe and jj look at the building "lets just go for the door" pope and john b walk behind us so us girl walk in the middle. We know we are scared we just dont let them know cause they'll make fun of it.

They open the door and luckily its open. I didnt want to climb over some gate. We walk in and there is no one. Well it would be more scary if there was someone but it was just oddly quiet. We walk around for a bit and we see mostly clocks you know those typical station clocks. With a few times on when the trains used to ride.

We walk around a bit. The boys are all excited and shit and act like they are the ghostbusters or something and run around like 12 year old kids. I laugh at them. I mean im sorry but it looks really stupid.

Rafe looks up to a door "lets open it" why why does he wants to open it. No one wants that stop. To late he already opened the door. There is a stairs i think. I walk closer "its a stairs" jj looks down "the basement probably" i take a few steps back "oh im good"

We hear a noice. But like really loud. Like someones throwing rocks at us or just banging on windows really hard. After 3 seconds it stops. "We should go" the boys laugh "nah it was probably just a bird come on" i roll my eyes and i feel how sarah is holding my hand tighter "what are you scared?"

I nod "yes i am" rafe walks up to me and hugs me "dont be im here no one can hurt you as long as im here remember?" I nod "come on lets go downstairs it will be fun" sarah and kie look at me "its just how you define fun" sarah whispers

I smirk "come on girls we got this there's probably nothing there" i drag them with me and we walk downstairs. It smells like really bad.

Rafe grabs his phone and he uses a little light since the flashlight is not enough.

"What is that?" Rafe points his light at something thats on the ground. Wait is it even a thing? It looks like someone. We walk closer. It is someone...there's a body down here


A/n:Sorry for long no part I didn't know what to write. Oh and dont mind the mistakes

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