Part 17

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"I-is that a body!?" Sarah whispers in disbelief. I want to take a step further but rafe stops me "be careful darling" rafe takes a step closer and gives jj a dirty look. Jj takes a step closer to me so he can protect me and sarah and kie.

Rafe shines the light at the thing thats lying on the ground. "I-its mr crain" we hear that it started to rain. "You mean mr crain from that scary house? He died years ago?" Pope asks. Rafe shines the flashlight better onto it so everybody can see it

"Its like someone has been taking care of the body?" Jj whispers. I feel light in my head and that smell is only getting worse. Again we hear this loud noise. "Thats definitely not a bird" kie yells in shock. "Run guys" rafe takes my hand and we run up the stairs out of the building. I feel my heartbeat raisin and im for sure that ive never ran that fast in my life before

"Ava!?" I grab rafe by his hand again "i-im here" i say totally out of breath as we jump on a to the boat. "Thank god your okay" he hugs me tight and i feel his heartbeat slowing down. Jj, pope, sarah and kie are now back on the boat.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" I look down and play with my ring as i try to control my breath. "We need to go to the police" sarah suggested  "i agree" kie says as she falls into on of the seats on the boat. "Lets just first go home" i say quietly. Pope stands up and he starts the boat.

Im really nervous and looking around me all the time. "Hey you okay ava?" I nod "yeah im fine" he kisses my head and lays his hand on my thigh. "We are almost home"

When we arrive at the camerons everyones just really quiet "is it okay if i stay here tonight im still really scared" i nod and grab her hand "ofcourse dont worry about it" i smile. And kie lays her head om my shoulder "thanks av" Jj grabs his backpack

"Lets have a sleepover" i laugh "jj we're 17 not 12" i roll my eyes and i lean to rafe his chest "i think its a fun idea just to end the night better" rafe says. "Alright lets do it"

We walk upstairs and me, rafe and sarah grab a few mattresses so kie pope and jj can sleep. "Jj can sleep next to us" rafe nods. "Yeah uhm can kie and pope share a bed are they okay with that?" sarah asks

Kie and pope nod at the same time and i jump into bed with rafe and jj. Wow never expect that id ever do that. Sarah puts on some random movie but i dont really pay attention.

I have my head laid on rafe his chest and he plays with my hair. I wear one of his hoodies cause it was pretty cold. I still think about the whole mr crain sittuation. Like what the fuck who is so sick in their head to take care of the bo- its his has to be right? Cause miss crain killed him. Why would you take care of someone that you killed yourself thats fucked up. But his daughter used to babysit me? Shit what the fuck are we supposed to do.

After a lot of thinking i finally fall asleep. Rafe is all cuddled op to me and so is jj. I dont really care that jj is holding me tho. Maybe he just needs someone. Not that we are a threesome or something but sometimes people just need some love right.

I dream about the trainstation but then when it was still used. When people were still taking trains and shit. I hear thunder and a lot of rain. I wake up in shock. Rafe immediately opens his eyes"hey hey calm down" i look into his sleepy eyes "calm down ava it was just a bad dream alright?" I nod and he tucks a bit of my hair behind my ear. "Just go to sleep" I nod and he wraps his arms tight around me "im right here just go back to sleep"

The next morning i wake up from someone poking into my arm "what" i open one eye and see a way to happy jj looking at me. "Im hungry" i roll my eyes and turn around again "ava come on im hungry" i smirk "get some food downstairs we have everything" jj stands up and walks downstairs. "Sleepy sleepy ava" i smile and fall asleep again.

His Touch - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now