Part 12

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"What rafe no" he smirks "Ava she can, otherwise she has to stay with her

JJ winks  "well if she stays with us I'll stay at jjs" i climb of his lap and sit next to jj. He blows me a kiss and i smirk. "Fine ava then you stay at jjs" my jaw drops

"You've got to be kidding me" lucy smiles "i guess rafie loves me more" sarah rolls her eyes "jj guess im staying with you to cause im not gonna sleep in the same house as her" sarah stands by me and grabs my hand.

Rafe and lucy leave and jj hugs me "dont worry love he's not worth it" i nod and kie grabs my hand "come on lets get some food by my dad" jj runs up to the twinkie

We drive through the cut and JJ is singing "jay shut up" he looks mad "what? Let me just sing"
I roll my eyes and he continues singing.

When we arrive i see Rafe and Lucy eating in the corner are they holding hands? Pope grabs my hand "dont look at them come on lets get some food" i smile at him

While we're eating i can only look at them I thought he loved me wow john b stands up and grabs my hand "lets dance" i shake my head "no no no jb" he smirks and drags me off the table

I feel rafe his eyes on me but i ignore them. After 3 minutes rafe walks over to me "ava can i talk to you?" I let go of john b and smile at him "nah why dont you go to your new roommate?"

He grabs my wrist  "ava come now" i give john b a kiss on his cheek and feel the grip around my wrist thigtening

I let go of john b and rafe drags me to the bathroom

He pushes me against the wall "i missed you" i scoff "yeah right" he lays his hand on my cheek "come on ava you're not mad are you?"

"Hmm yea i am" he rolls his eyes "come on ava" i push him off me "you chose her over me rafe your a fucking piece of shit" he stays silent as i walk away

I walk over to jj "hey uhm can we go home please" he nods "yeah yeah ofc come on" kie stops us "what are you guys doing" when she sees the tear running down my cheek she hugs me and nods.

Jj brings me to his car

He wipes a tear from my face "hey dont worry ava he will regret it" i nod and he opens the car door for me.

I fall asleep in the car and i feel how jj is lifting me up and putting me down on a bed. The next morning i wake up in john b his bedroom

Rafe has called me a thousand times but i dont have the energy to open them or even reply. I hear a knock at the door and rafe storms in

"Ava why didn't you answer" i look up "uhm well i was asleep" he gets in bed next to me "are you still mad at me" i nod "where is lucy" he smirks "she took her stuff and left"

I lay my head on his chest "rafe i dont forgive you but im just really really tired" he nods "thats okay"

I look up from his chest "wait what your okay with that" he smiles "no im not but we're cuddling so i dont care right now" i nod and fall asleep again

A/n: im really tired so sorry if there are mistakes 😭

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