34 Taking a Rest in the Valley

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With this explosive news suddenly being revealed, the family naturally didn't go to sleep anytime soon. There were so many things to speak about, so many questions to be asked, they naturally didn't manage to go back to their own rooms and neither of them felt like they would be calm enough to sleep anyway.

It was only in the middle of the night when Hui Se finally got up and pulled her wife to her feet. "Alright, You've bothered her enough with all the questions for now. It's pretty late. We should all go to sleep. Especially now, Yu Sui needs a lot of rest." She didn't even wait for a response and just started to shoo her wife out of the room, making sure that nobody would be able to follow along to make trouble.

Chengse sighed and leaned against her husband, watching the two of them walk away. "I still can't believe it. It feels like they only got married yesterday. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. It's their first child so this is going to be another huge moment. But it really makes me feel like all my children are growing up." Speaking of that, she turned to Zhu Hong and Zhen Zhu and grasped the phoenix's hand, patting it gently. "Zhen Zhu, you listen to me, there is no reason for you to get pregnant anytime soon. If Zhu Hong tries to talk you into it, you better tell him that he should wait a bit. It's not good to be a parent too early. Just enjoy being an uncle to the little ones for now."

Zhen Zhu nodded, not bothering to explain that Zhu Hong actually said that they should wait himself. Right now, he was just too tired. Even though they had slept in this morning and then also gone to lie down after they returned to the valley, he was still tired again. In any case, it had been another long day today. He really wondered when they would get back to having normal-sized days.

Zhu Hong picked up on the fact that his husband wasn't quite there with his thoughts and pulled him up to his chest while he still looked at her. "Don't worry, we aren't planning to have any anytime soon. For now, there are still a lot of things for Zhen Zhu to see. I'm not going to pressure him into anything. Now, it's gotten pretty late, Hui Se was right with that. I'll bring Zhen Zhu up and then we can talk about everything else tomorrow."

Chengse nodded and patted his shoulder, motioning up before she pushed her husband. "Go and show them which room you prepared for them."

Elder Bi nodded and then walked ahead but he still turned around with every two steps, looking at the young couple.

Zhu Hong raised his brows. "Is there a reason you are giving us these looks? If there's something you want to say, you can say it already."

Elder Bi furrowed his brows and then gave a hum, finally only opening up after they had arrived in front of the room.

Zhu Hong already opened the door to let Zhen Zhu inside and then motioned for Elder Bi to go ahead. "Now, what is this about?"

Elder Bi still wouldn't talk for a moment but then finally clicked his tongue. "It's just that ... don't mind what Chengse said. If you want to have a child, it would be absolutely alright. You don't need to wait. In any case, having a child is something really nice. And you would definitely make for a splendid father."

Zhu Hong couldn't help but smile and his gaze softened. "I'm sure that I'm going to make a good father but ... I don't think it's too late to do that in a few years. What I said to Chengse just now is true: There are still many things that need to be taken care of or that I at least want to take care of.

"When we have a child, things are going to be more difficult so we should use the time we have right now. If it happens in the meantime though, I definitely wouldn't be unhappy. I'm ready whenever it happens. And I'm sure that Zhen Zhu will be as well. Now, it's really time to sleep. You should go back as well."

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