15 A Person of His Own

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While they were walking, Zhen Zhu immediately started to tell him about everything he had seen in the phoenixes' building. After a while, he couldn't help but mention how much of a shock it had been to see the other phoenixes being so big though.

Seeing his drooping head, Zhu Hong immediately felt bad. "Don't worry about that. You'll grow bigger in the future as well. It's going to happen automatically. There's no need for you to worry. Just give it a bit of time."

Zhen Zhu looked up at his husband with sparkling eyes, feeling that there really was nothing that Zhu Hong didn't know.

Seeing this unguarded adoration, Zhu Hong had no idea what to say. Was it really that awesome to be able to tell him? He had only found out yesterday as well, ah! To be honest, being regarded with this kind of gaze made him even a little worried. While he liked being relied on by Zhen Zhu, he clearly wasn't good enough of a husband yet. He would have to learn a lot more about the phoenixes to make sure that he could adequately take care of Zhen Zhu in the future. For now though, it was alright as long as they went step-by-step.

Zhen Zhu had already forgotten the worry about his size and continued to tell Zhu Hong about his day. "I was really surprised about the nests. But thinking about it, I remember that in the forest, the phoenixes would also have nests up in the branches of the trees. I guess it's more comfortable to sleep like that."

When Zhen Zhu mentioned this, Zhu Hong turned to look at him, trying to figure out what exactly this meant. More comfortable ... So most likely, it would be best for him to have a nest at home as well? Ah, but the logistics for that seemed a little difficult. After all, it wasn't like the dragons were the same. When in their dragon form it didn't really matter where they slept, but that form was usually a bit too big. A fully grown dragon and a fully grown phoenix in one nest ... that really didn't seem easy to make do with. On the other hand, in this form, they were also quite sturdy, it probably wouldn't fit too well with the nest. The phoenixes on the other hand seemed to have a habit of turning back into their phoenix form at night if Zhen Zhu's behavior these past two days was any indicator. So most likely, for them, it was really the best way to go about things.

Zhu Hong fell into deep thought, wondering just how to make it possible for the two of them to get the best of both worlds. In any case, if it was something that Zhen Zhu wanted, he would also be willing to sleep in a nest with him. It was just that while sleeping itself might not be a problem, everything before that would be. This was something that he would have to think about a little more before he said something. In any case, Zhen Zhu seemed like he was just telling him about this because it was something that he had seen not because he had any expectations of him.

Soon enough, the two of them arrived at home. Before Zhu Hong could say anything else, Zhen Zhu immediately rushed off, going to sit down on the bed.

Zhu Hong raised his brows and then slowly followed him, watching Zhen Zhu dissolve the hairstyle on his head and then take off his robe. Zhu Hong couldn't help but feel a little hot seeing this but he had the distinct feeling that his little spouse had something completely else in mind while doing this. Thus, he just leaned against the doorway, watching him quietly.

Zhen Zhu changed his form, turning into that phoenix form that was still a bit lacking in size, and then sat on the bed for a moment in a daze. Flying was something that was an innate talent of both the dragons and the phoenixes. It shouldn't require conscious thought.

The memories of how it was to fly and how it was done were also passed down in their clan so it wasn't like he didn't know. But he had never done it before and right now, he also didn't resemble those majestic phoenixes from his memories in the least. Thus, he felt a bit worried about it. But in any case, it was difficult to make progress without trying. Thus, he flapped his wings how we remembered it had to be done and tried to lift himself up into the air. As a result, there was quite a bit of wind but he didn't lift off for more than the width of a finger.

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