9 Meeting the Others

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Zhen Zhu happily looked around inside, feeling that this house seemed quite cozy. In fact, he might actually like it a bit better than Zhu Hong's house. But this was probably due to the fact that there were more people living here and the house probably even had a longer history than Zhu Hong's. Surely, many others had left their traces here over a long amount of time while Zhu Hong's house was only his. As a dragon that had rather recently come of age, Zhu Hong naturally couldn't compare to this kind of place where several generations were living together.

Actually, thinking about it a little longer, Zhen Zhu also realized that this meant that in the house that he and Zhu Hong had, he would be able to leave a trace of his own instead of just having to live in a house that had already been filled by somebody else.

Thinking of that, he actually felt that it was a bit exciting. As Zhu Hong's spouse, he naturally also wanted to do something. And since the phoenixes would usually stay home and take care of the house while the dragons went out to take care of things like food, clothes, and anything else their family may need, making their place a welcoming one that Zhu Hong would always like to return to would be his task.

Zhen Zhu lowered his head when he realized this and a hint of satisfaction emerged from his heart. He would definitely show Zhu Hong that he could make the best place for him that he could imagine. Nothing would be left for him to wish for. He'd better start immediately after getting to know all the important people. The sooner Zhu Hong could see just how lucky he was with having him as a spouse, the better. He didn't want him to regret deciding on his egg after all.

While Zhen Zhu had been thinking about this, they had already arrived in the next room where quite a few people had already been gathered. Seeing all of them in one place, Zhen Zhu was immediately pulled out of his thoughts and curiously looked around again.

In the middle of the room sat a slightly older woman with wrinkles on her face who should be Elder Bi's wife Chengse. On each side of her was a younger woman, one with the slightly fiercer appearance of the dragons while the other had the bright appearance of the phoenixes and resembled Chengse a lot. They should be Elder Bi's daughter and her wife. In the background stood two men who looked vaguely the same, even though one of them was clearly older than the other by quite a few years. This definitely had to be the two sons of the family.

Zhen Zhu glanced around, but he couldn't see the wife of one of the brothers or the children of the household. He didn't know if they would come over later on or if they just weren't interested in meeting him. Thinking of the latter, he wasn't quite sure what to think of it. He definitely hadn't expected to get a welcome ceremony but after hearing just how important Elder Bi was to Zhu Hong, he couldn't help but feel that if the family wasn't interested in him, it might worsen his husband's relationship with them. That was definitely something he didn't want to see.

Zhu Hong seemed to see that he was a little worried and gently squeezed his hand. In the presence of all these people, he didn't really want to say anything though. That would have to wait until later.

At that moment, Elder Bi turned back to them and excitedly started to introduce everybody one by one. Just as Zhen Zhu had expected, the women sitting there were Elder Bi's wife, as well as his phoenix daughter and their daughter-in-law. The two men were his sons as well. As for the other members of the family, it turned out that his other daughter-in-law was taking care of the children right now and would come down when she realized that they had guests. Until then, it would just be them.

Zhen Zhu didn't mind. In any case, with so many people around, there really wasn't any way for him to get to know everyone well. If he was able to have a few words with everyone, that would already be good.

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