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Not really soccer but oh well, didn't know what else to call it :)
Making a story based on this <3
"y-you can't do this!"
She stared ahead at her coach, hands on her hips. She looked outraged.

"Yes I can, you're not longer part of the team!" He pointed out with a cross look

"No.. no.." she mumbled, stubbornly shaking her head. This had to be a dream, right..?

She hit herself. Again, and again but nothing was happening, "gah! Why won't I wake up!?" She exclaimed.

The coach sighed. He approached her, putting both hands on her shoulders.

"Go home Dash"

She blinked. It all now started to sink in, it was real. All of this was real.

"Why!?" She yelled, "why would you kick me off the team? I'm the captain! The best player on the team!"

"I agree. But right now, you're not ready. I'll see you next season." He replied.

Wait what. Next season! Her eyes widened, "w-what do you mean..? Next season..?" She stammered in shock.

"You can re-audition next season, but being on a team isn't doing you any good"

She stared blankly, waiting for him to continue.

"You need to learn to control your anger, last time someone could of got hurt! Because of your actions"

She sighed. She knew she did have anger issues. But still, she deserved to be on the team as much as anyone else did.

She had to admit. He had a point..

"But.. until you're back, you can choose the new captain"

She gulped. That had to be one of the worst parts of all of this. It hurt hearing that the team would move on without her, that she had to choose the new captain.

"Yes sir" she replied weakly before she turned to walk away.

"Oh, and Rainbow Dash?"

She turned around again, eyeing him, "take care of yourself"

She nodded in response before she stormed off, angry about this decision but there was nothing she could do.

'Yeah like that's what I want. Choose the next captain, yeah right.'

I've lost everything.. my dream, my purpose, being captain..

She let the tears fall freely, she didn't know how she felt. Numb maybe..

She knew that without a dream, she didn't exactly have a purpose.. and now, she was just another person.

She sighed sadly as she wiped away her tears, slowly heading back to the lockers, to clear it out, like Coach said she couldn't come back till next season.
"Hey Dash!"

She quickly rubbed her eyes, hiding the remaining tears as best as she could.

She glanced behind her, she let out a small chuckle. There they were, her team. They were all grinning.

"H-Hey guys" she smiled weakly, "what's going on?

"Isn't it awesome! We all made the team!" Spitfire grinned as she fist bumped with fleet foot

She waited for a reaction from the speechless girl, Dash however stayed silent, she knew if she said anything she would probably fall apart.

She stared for a while, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to form words but no sound came out.

Appledash one shots (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now