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Here's another oneshot, it's not one of my best works but here's my attempt

I'll have another one out tomorrow :)

Here's the surprise Super_flexible

Credits to our favourite story and for being an awesome writer helping me with the ideas! CANDYMARE8484

Mental hospital

How did this all start, why did she did it well not even AJ knew the answer to that question Applejack was just happy to shut that "fashionista" up.

Once she put that knife right into Rarity's stomach she felt a sense of relief.

"APPLEJACK" she heard a voice echo into the room, signaling that her rainbow haired friend was entering.

She looked up at her friend, knife in hand covered in blood, Rarity's blood.

"Oh hello Dashie" she greeted her friend staring at her while Dash gasped with shock.

"What have you done?! Dash covers her mouth and stares at Rarity's lifeless body in shock, unable to believe that her best friend would do something like this.

"I.... made her stop talking" AJ said looking down at Rarity grinning, "it was exhilarating" she said looking down at the knife, glancing at it.

Dash looks at AJ and lunges at her, tackling her to the ground, knocking the knife out of AJ's hands and kicks it across the room.

She then notices the petrified girl shaking in fear,

"Sweetie Belle, call the police" She says looking back at AJ she hesitates for a second before looking back at the crying girl feeling bad for the girl's loss.

45 minutes later

It took 4 policeman to pin AJ down, load her into the police van while in the process one of the police officers got bitten by her.

"Where are you taking her" Dash asks the officers worriedly about her dear friend.

"She's going straight to a mental facility" one of the officers replies as he jumps into the drivers seat and they drive away.

7 weeks later

it had been a while since she'd seen her best friend, the cowgirl.

She nervously entered the warned where AJ was being held, she'd been warned by her friend Twilight as she didn't agree with her decision, but... she had a feeling she couldn't explain.

AJ was sitting in a small room that was just big enough for a small bed, she was sitting on the bed scribbling strange symbols on the wall.

Dash cautiously walks up to the window, bracing herself she didn't know what to expect, she looks at her friend as she quickly hides the pencil she was using to draw with a few minutes ago.

She notices Dash, and gives her a cold hard stare which makes her nervous.

AJ realises who it is she glanced at them, clearly not happy to see them "What the hell do you want?" She asks harshly.

"I came to see you" Dash replies uneasily.

"And why would you want tah do somethin' like that!" She laughs at herself while Dash just stares at her.

"because... I missed you, it's not the same without you..." the rainbow haired girl replies.

She turns away, and Dash looks at something...

Appledash one shots (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now