Deprived love

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Credits again to CANDYMARE8484
Dash POV
I sit on the sofa, watching tv only I wasn't really watching it, I was just staring at it.

I watched the moving pictures flickering on the tv, but there was no sound as I turned it down as I didn't really wanna watch it.

"Baby, what're ya doin' awake?" I hear a voice I jump slightly and look away from the tv looking around and I see my girlfriend looking at me worriedly

I sigh to myself, I'll have to think of something to distract her, she's not gonna let me out of this one.

"I'm not tired" I say focusing my attention back onto the tv not looking at her.

"Ah don't believe you" she says sitting next to me on the sofa with a slight frown.

I knew she would make this difficult, try harder Dash.

"I'm fine" I smile at her but she shakes her head, knowingly aware of the lie I just told her.

"You know ah don't like lies" in a jokingly manner but with a hint of seriousness too which was almost frightening.

She leans on my shoulder and I don't know what to do.

Do I let her stay or do I push her away?

I sigh pushing her away from me, determined not to give in, she knows how to make me give in but not this time.

"Ah'm not givin' in Dash, and ah'm not going anywhere unless ya go tah bed" she points out grinning while I glance at her with wide eyes.

She scoots closer to me once again and I so badly want to hug her but I have to resist I can't let her know how badly I want to go to bed.

"Just go to bed, I'll be fine" I insist but she rolls her eyes.

She obviously doesn't believe me.

"Ah refuse" she shakes her head at me staying put, I sigh in annoyance but there's nothing I can do about it.

"And why is that" I question her, facing in her direction.

"Cos ah love ya too much tah leave you all by yourself" she smiles while I stare.

Damnit she's got me there, she always knows what to say to me.

"it's only been three days" I say trying to reassure her but her eyes widen in surprise and stares at me.

"T-three days!! Are ya kidding me?!" She exclaims while I nod at her.

"it's not that bad..." I hesitate stopping myself from going on.

AJ: "Now hold on a gosh darn minute, why haven't ya been sleepin'?" She asks and I stiffen.

Now she's definitely gonna make me sleep. Why did you say that to her? You're in for it now.

"I'm just not tired, it's not that big of a deal" I say casually shrugging my shoulders while AJ continues staring at me.

"Dash, tell me what's wrong" She grabs my arm but also is starting to show her soft side and gives me a sympathetic look.

I wanna tell her so bad, but I can't I really can't...

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