Competition Wars

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Hey guys,
Ugh, finally a oneshot. Sorry it took so long. This one will be in several parts as it's very long so please bare with me

This was inspired by angelicxdays

Shout out to Cupcakes_swirls

And ofc! My best friend and idol who helped me write this, enjoy :) hope you're feeling better CANDYMARE8484

Also your other account as idk which one to tag CANDYMARE4587


It was an ordinary day at school, as ordinary as it can get around here.

School was over in a few weeks.

Sunset and I were in the corridor standing next to the lockers. We both had lockers right near each other.

We were planning the summer, talking about our plans.

"I might visit Twilight during the break. I really do miss her" Sunset says hugging her book, the book she received from the other world.

I watched as she held it close to her chest, smiling to herself.

"That's good, ah was gonna hang out with Shy fer a while, she wanted me to see her animal's" I say smiling back at Sunset

"that's great! What about the others?" She asks me, clearly hinting about the other girls.

"Ah dunno, that's up tah them" I say shaking my head at her while she just nods to herself.

"I guess, I probably won't get to see them much this break" she says sadly and I tilt my head to one side, eyeing her in suspicion.

Did she have plans of which I wasn't aware of

"Aww, that's a shame, why don't we hang out when ah' done at Shy's" I suggest to her and she beams at me, she seemed pleased with my idea, I should probably take that as a sign.

"that sounds like a great idea! I would love to" she gave me a quick hug, hugging me tightly and I hug her back.

"Then it's a deal, it'll be fun!" I giggle, already excited about the upcoming plans.

"it definitely will" she agrees with me whilst I just chuckle to myself.

I then look away from Sunset and I see someone, well more importantly a girl.

Not just any girl, this girl is special.

Rainbow Dash, my best friend but also the love of my life.

My green eyes scanned the corridors, until finally I was able to sneak a glance at her.

She was enchanting to look at.

I watched as she casually walked by the lockers, giving us a wave, acknowledging us.

"Hey Applejack" she says as she runs off to talk to some friends.

"H-Hey" I quickly glanced at her once more only for her to look at me at that exact moment, for a second our eyes met and my heart soared with happiness.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. I just froze into place, all I could do is give my best attempt at a smile, I hoped she wouldn't think I was acting weird, surprisingly she returned the smile back.

Appledash one shots (slow updates)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя