Getting back together

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Here's a little something for you guys as I was bored and couldn't sleep, here ya go

Cupcakes_swirls -To my dearest friend for helping me write this

AJ pov
'Do you really have to go?' Rainbow asked frowning slightly, standing next to me.

I nodded regretful, as I started to empty the contents of what was left remaining in my locker and transferred it to my bag.

'Sadly, Ah have ta' I said sighing sadly as I looked back at the school, the corridors empty and the classrooms abandoned as it was summer break.

It was just me and the girls, they offered to help me pack up my things and say goodbye, I didn't want them to, but they insisted on doing so.

it was gonna be so difficult to leave this place, so many memories and now I have to leave.

I even have to start afresh, no one to spend the summer with, I'd have to make new friends at my school which was miles away from Canterlot and I wouldn't get to see my girlfriend either, which was almost as sad as leaving the farm I grew up on.

It was already gonna be difficult to leave, Shy was crying while the rest of our friends tried their best to console her, I just hoped I wouldn't cry either.

I teared up a little, I didn't think it would be this painful, but I have to move on, I have to be strong, for them, for me and more importantly my family.

Almost done, I thought to myself as I pulled out a box at the back of my locker, confused I looked inside but when I looked inside it made me sadder.

It was a box of memories, albums, pictures, even the memories of when we met princess twilight and of course, the framed photo I always kept from freshman year.

I took the framed photo from the box and pressed it against my chest, closing my eyes. In some way it's like I was saying goodbye not just to the school and my friends but also my old self

Was I really gonna do this?

I took a deep breath, opening my eyes as I gave them a wobbly smile, I wasn't gonna cry in front of them, I had time for that later.

I refocused my attention back to my groups of friends, they all looked so sad to see me go.

'Look, ah know this is hard and all, but it isn't my choice either. Ah don't want to move and leave y'all but ah have to, it's for mah family, It's the only option' I said with a frown, looking away.

I didn't wanna leave them and this would probably break my heart, but I couldn't show how much pain I really felt.

I hated goodbyes; I even hated that word but now I have to say it.

'She's right girls, we can't stop her, we must give her some support' Twilight said smiling bravely, trying her hardest not to cry as well while the remainder of the girls nodded in agreement all of us a little tearful.

This was the quietest it's ever been, not even Pinkie knew what to say they all just stared at me.

'Mhm, Twilight's right, we can still chat' Sunset grinned, finally speaking up.

'And send you letters, and call you, and video call and-' Pinkie interrupted Sunset but was cut off when Rarity put her hand over her mouth, as a way to silence her.

'I think she got it darling' Rarity said eyeing me worriedly as she watched me.

"give me a minute" I mouthed to the girls while they all give me confused looks.

"go on, I'll catch you guys later, I'll meet you outside" I said quickly giving them the look to leave and they finally caught on nodding as they gave me one last glance before silently leaving.

I smiled softly, sitting on the floor.
"hey, you" I said turning my girlfriend looking at her concerned.

She had tears in her eyes, and I instantly felt bad for her.

We'd been through so much together and now I had to leave her, but I couldn't stay.

Choosing between your family and friends is merely impossible.

I didn't know what to say so I did the next best thing, I hugged her, gently stroking her soft rainbow spectrum hair.

'Hey, it's gonna be ok, you still have the girls' I said quietly rubbing her back, in a comforting way.

'But it wouldn't be the same without you' She said sobbing, I tightened the hug, nodding to myself, everything was changing so much but we have to move forward.

'Ah know, but ah promise ah won't forget ya, we can still chat, I'll talk to you every day, just because we're apart by miles doesn't mean we're apart from the heart' I said, using my thumb to wipe away her tear-stained cheeks

'Yeah, I guess you're right' she said trying to give me a smile, but she couldn't fool me. I knew she was hurting inside.

I grabbed my hat off my head and looked at it once more before offering her it.
She looked at me wide eyed, hesitating slightly before taking it off me.

"AJ... are you sure" she says with a shocked expression "y-you love that hat" she says looking at the hat resting in her arms
"ah do love it, but ah love ya more" I say with a smile.

She gives me the biggest grin as she puts the hat on her head, proudly showing it off while I chuckled to myself. I'm gonna miss this, a lot.

"anytime you miss me, wear my hat, ah'll always be with you, even if ah'm not" I reminded her putting my hands near Dash's heart, tears fell down my face, but I didn't care because I was at my happiest, these were in fact happy tears.

She looks into my eyes, and I look into hers, our last moment, this will be the last time I'll get to see those beautiful magenta eyes.

She leaned forward, kissing me on the lips and I kissed her back.

After that we pulled away and looked at each other, smiling as she hugged me tightly one last time as I wiped my tears away, chuckling to myself.

"I think it's time" I whispered to her, and she nodded sighing to myself. We walked out of the school together, hand in hand as we approached the girls.

'group hug' Fluttershy said softly to us, and we all nodded, this was it, the final goodbye.
A lot of tears, a lot of pain but we knew this wasn't the end, in fact this was just the beginning

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