19- Next victim

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I hated the Upside-down. It was cold, dark, and there were vines everywhere. One wrong move and I'd fall victim to this incredibly dangerous place.

The ride to my trailer was long. Having to look at everything covered in vines and goop was creepy. The less time I spent here, the better.

My heart was beating faster than when I watched Chrissy die. It was like my heart was beating faster because I was going to reunite with my princess, my Lady Y/N. I had been worried that something had happened. As much as I trusted Dustin, Lucas and Max, I had a suspicion that Y/N was in danger. I was feeling uneasy knowing that maybe she was in danger and I couldn't help her. Steve wasn't helping. The whole time we were in the Upside-down, he was listing the worse possible scenarios.

"You know, there is always the possibility that Y/N's being lured by Vecna again. Maybe she's been hurt, or captured by the cops..." Steve kept talking as we walked through the woods, desperate to get to Nancy's house. Steve looked like he was having fun torturing me with the idea of Y/N not being okay.

I wanted to get as far away from Steve as possible, before the rumours about me being a murderer came true, starting with him. I wanted so badly to shut Steve up, but I wouldn't do it, 'cause I'm not that bad of a person.

"Holy shit..." Robin looked up as we entered my trailer, seeing the cracks that were once there, having turned into a full blown gate between realities. Moving closer to it, Nancy and Steve went to inspect it.

You rode to Eddie's trailer. Every moment you spent heading to his trailer made your heart race. You were excited to see him again. You had been unsure if he was ok. Communicating with him through the lights was good, but it wasn't enough for you. You wanted to feel his touch again. You wanted to give him a hug. You wanted to feel his soft lips on yours. As much as you appreciated Dustin and Lucas taking care of you while Eddie was gone, you wanted Eddie back.

After seven miles riding, you, Erica, Max, Lucas and Dustin made it to Eddie's trailer, running inside. Seeing the gate, Dustin grabbed a nearby broom and started poking a hole through the huge gate. You looked up to see Eddie, Robin, Nancy and Steve.

"Hi." Nancy, Robin and Steve said in unison, Eddie looking happier than ever to see you.

"Holy shit...this is trippy." Robin smiled.

"BADA, BADA, BOOM!" Dustin laughed.

Making a rope out of sheets and testing it, they had a clear way to get through. You ran into Eddie's bedroom, hoping that that mattress would act as a soft landing pad for the four of them. Getting Max's help, you managed to get the mattress directly underneath the gate, hoping that when they climbed the rope made out of sheets, they'd land safely onto the mattress.

"Alright, let's clear the landing pad." Dustin spoke as you all got off the mattress that was below the rope.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig." Robin jumped up and started climbing. Watching as she used her lack of upper body strength, after a few minutes, she landed onto the mattress, smiling.

"Thank god. That was fun." She laughed, getting help up from Dustin.

"Alright, I guess I'll go." Eddie sighed as he did the same as Robin, landing onto the mattress. Sitting up, he smiled.

"That...was fun. Shit." You helped Eddie up.

"Thank god you're okay." You kissed him.

"I missed you." You smiled.

"I missed you more, my princess. I hated not being with you." He smiled. You could hear Max groaning next to you as she shook the handcuffs that still linked you and Max together.

"Ahem. Can you unlock us now?" Max asked as Eddie held out his hand, Lucas handing him the key. He unlocked the handcuffs, allowing you and Max to be free.

"Oh my god." You sighed, giving Eddie a hug.

"It's good to be back in your arms." Eddie whispered to you.

"Nancy..." You panicked when you heard Steve worriedly call out her name. You, Eddie, Robin, Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erica looked up, seeing Nancy standing still.

"Hey. Hey! Stay with me...Nancy!" Steve shook Nancy, trying to wake her up.

"Vecna." You and Max spoke.

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