2- Meet the freak

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Waking up in a cold sweat is how you had been waking up for the past few days. The same nightmare had been plaguing your sleep and you couldn't escape it. It was the same exact nightmare. It started and ended the same exact way. No matter what you did in the nightmare, it never changed.

Getting up and doing the same morning routine you had been doing since the accident, you headed to school, putting your hair into a low ponytail. Arriving to school, you were confused when you saw police cars parked in the parking lot.

"I heard that the freak killed her." You heard a female speak as she walked past you.

"Poor Chrissy. She didn't deserve such a horrid death." A male spoke as you opened your locker, even more confused. What happened to Chrissy? How did she die?

You were technically supposed to attend the memorial pep-rally for Chrissy, but you didn't know her. You really hadn't even seen her around. Knowing that no one would know you were gone, you headed to the park bench, putting your bag onto the table. Hearing rustling around you, you looked around. The sound of the grandfather clock came back. It was louder this time. You couldn't see the clock itself, but the broken sound was louder than it was before. Turning around, intending to ignore the clock, you were scared when you saw Eddie Munson sitting at the bench, his gaze glued to yours.

"I thought I was the only one who knew about this secluded spot?" Eddie asked as he smiled.

"Sorry to disappoint you." You smiled back, sitting down. You were trying to lower your heart rate, as you could hear it beating faster and faster.

"So, what brings a pretty blonde like you out here? Aren't you supposed to be at the memorial pep-rally? Or, at least, aren't you afraid you might get murdered?" Eddie tilted his head.

"I'm out here because I didn't know Chrissy and I don't want to spend 30 minutes mourning someone I don't know. Besides, if I was murdered, at least I could escape the nightmare that is high-school." You explained as Eddie looked at you with more interest.

"Let me guess. You're out here because the moment you set foot in school, the police will arrest you?" You asked as Eddie laughed, standing up.

"Kinda...yeah. I'm assuming you've heard the rumours? Everyone thinks that I killed Chrissy. I didn't by the way. Something even more terrifying than me killed her. I just watched it happen. I'm a freak and I'm weird, but I'm not weird enough to kill someone." Eddie mentioned.

"Why are you here? You have a bigger chance at getting caught here than anywhere else." You questioned.

"I like it here. It's a safe place for me. It's still on school grounds, so I'm not really ditching school, but it's far away enough that I won't be spotted immediately if someone even exits the school." Eddie explained as he sat back down, removing his denim vest.

"What's your name?" Eddie asked as you smiled.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N." You informed him.

"Well, Y/N. I'm Ed-" You didn't even let him finish.

"-You're Eddie Munson. The leader of the Hellfire Club." Eddie looked at you in shock.

"Yes, Eddie. I know who you are and what your reputation is at school. I don't live under a rock." You rolled your eyes as Eddie crossed his arms.

"How much do you know about me?" Eddie asked, leaning closer to you.

"You're the leader of the Hellfire club, a club that plays the fantasy game Dungeons and Dragons. Most people in Hawkins are afraid of the game and say it promotes Satanism, suicide and sometimes murder. You, I am assuming, are the Dungeon Master. People like Jason are scared of you, because they don't understand you or the game that you play. Am I right?" You asked as Eddie smiled.

"Yeah. I guess you're right." Eddie laughed as you smiled.

"Hey, how come you know so much about Dungeons and Dragons?" Eddie asked as he looked at you, confused.

"I used to play, years ago. I was a level 14 Paladin." You explained, Eddie's eyes widening.

"I don't play much anymore, but, if you ever need a sub, let me know." You smiled, standing up. You grabbed your bag.

"Now, I suggest you get out of here, before someone finds you." You requested before walking off, leaving Eddie surprised by your reveal.

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