25- The death of Hawkins

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Escaping the Upside-down was a nightmare. You barely got to see Eddie before he was whisked away by an ambulance to a hospital.

"Holy shit." Robin looked up at the sky, seeing that it was turning grey and black faster than normal. Seeing red lightning, you all panicked.

"The hell? What's going on?" You asked, looking at Steve, Nancy and Robin.

"When...when we attacked Vecna, our world...it experienced an earthquake...that kinda split Hawkins into 4 parts. The roads are split by giant lines of lava and what looks to be hell. The four gates. They are now connected..." Nancy spoke, worried.

"I need to see Eddie." You demanded, getting into the camper-van.

"No, Y/N. Eddie is being rushed to a hospital outside of Hawkins. I think it's better if you wait for a while. A few days at the most..." Steve recommended.

"Shit. We need to go get Lucas, Erica and Max." Robin panicked as you all got into the camper-van.

Driving to the Creel House, you got out to see Lucas and Erica sitting on the steps.

"Oh thank god you guys are okay!" You and Dustin hugged Lucas and Erica.

"Wait, where's Max?" You worriedly looked at them.

"She was attacked by Vecna. She tried to hold him off, but she couldn't. He didn't kill her though. She her heart stopped for over a minute, but something brought her back. She was rushed to the hospital like 2 minutes ago." Lucas cried.

"I think it's best if we all head home and rest. When everything has calmed down, then we can go and see Max and Eddie." Nancy suggested.

Dropping each of you home, you headed inside your house. You rushed upstairs and cuddled with your Megadeth blanket, thinking about Eddie.
You got to Nancy's house. She introduced you to her mom, who smiled and hugged you.

"Mom!" A boy in a green and grey top ran to Nancy's mom, smiling.

A girl with a shaved head and a boy with a shorter bowl cut hugged Dustin who was so happy.

"Hey!" An older boy hugged Nancy.

"You are never going on vacation again, you hear me? In fact, you can forget about college. You are staying right here." Mrs Wheeler hugged her son, who looked confused when he saw you.

"Who...are you?" He asked, confused.

"Hi. I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm Eddie's girlfriend." You smiled, shaking his hand. He brought another boy over.

"I'm Mike Wheeler. Nancy's brother. This is Will Byers." He smiled. You smiled, shaking Will's hand as well.

"Did you see the cars driving out of Hawkins? Hundreds of Hawkins residents packed up their things and left." Mrs Wheeler let you all know.

"Where are Max, Eddie and Lucas?" Mike asked, looking around.

"They're all at the hospital. Max and Lucas are the hospital here in Hawkins. Eddie is at a different one." Dustin spoke.

"Were they hurt?" Will asked.

"No. No, he's...oh God. You don't know." Dustin looked away, trying not to cry. You felt tears streaming down your eyes.

Heading to the hospital, you walked into Max's room, following Nancy, Will, Dustin, Mike and El. You met her on the way. You saw Max on the bed, both her arms and legs in casts, a cast around her neck and a tube in her nose.

"Oh my God. We've been calling you guys like crazy." Lucas hugged his friends, including you in the hug.

"I know. We came as soon as we heard. I'm sorry." Mike pulled away, looking at Lucas.

"Do they know...when she will wake?" El asked, worried.

"No. They say she might not. Her heart stopped. For over a minute. She died. I...I mean, clinically, but...then she came back. The doctors don't know how. They say it's a miracle." Lucas spoke, trying not to cry.

"I'm here, Max." El walked over to the bed, sitting down as she placed her hand gently on Max's right hand.

You were tempted to ask Nancy to take you to see Eddie, but you decided against it. You wanted Eddie to be stable enough before visiting him.

After spending an hour at the hospital, Nancy took Mike, Will, Lucas and Erica home, picking up Steve and Robin on her way. Driving to Hawkins High, she parked her car, allowing you, Robin, Steve and Dustin to help get boxes of her old things into the gym.

Steve, Nancy and Robin went and did their own thing, you and Dustin handing out cups of water. You stopped when you saw Dustin looking at an older man.

"Who is that?" You asked.

"Eddie's uncle." Dustin spoke. Following him, Dustin got the attention of the older man.

"Mr. Munson? I'm Dustin Henderson and this is Y/N Y/L/N. Can we talk...in private?" Dustin spoke.

"I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent. He's still missing. I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found. Good day to you." Mr Munson growled as clenched his fists against the material of his duffle bag.

"We were with him. We were was with him when the earthquake hit." You spoke up, watching as Dustin held Eddie's necklace. Mr Munson looked at you and Dustin with hope. You and Dustin took Mr Munson around the back of the school, away from prying eyes and ears.

"And...where is Eddie now?" He still seemed worried.

"He's at a hospital outside of Hawkins...you know...'cause he was accused of being a murderer." You handed Mr Munson the hospital's address.

"How bad is he?" Mr Munson asked.

"We haven't gone to see him yet. I assume he's still in pretty bad shape." Dustin sighed.

"Thank you...for telling me." Mr Munson smiled.

"Mr Munson, I want you to know that I'm Eddie's girlfriend. I fought to protect him." You smiled. Without warning, Mr Munson hugged you.

"Thank you for protecting and saving my nephew." He hugged you more before letting go.

"I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him. Because they would've loved him, Mr. Munson. They would've loved him. He never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad. But he fought. He fought and nearly died to protect this town. This town that...hated him. He isn't just innocent...Mr. Munson, he's...he's a hero. But, most of all, he's safe." Dustin spoke, now crying.

"If I were you, Mr Munson, I would let Eddie get better, before possibly moving out of Hawkins. I mean, half the town has already left and won't ever come back, but still. Moving away and getting a fresh start would be good." You suggested. You hated the idea of Eddie moving away, but it would be for his own good.

"I'll take your suggestion into consideration." Mr Munson smile before walking off.

You and Dustin headed back inside, you still thinking about Eddie.

After a few hours, you wanted to head home. You wanted to embrace your parents and just...rant about everything that happened. Sure, they wouldn't believe you, but at least you would have told someone.

Getting a lift home from Steve, he walked you to your front door.

"What the hell?" You pushed open the door, seeing things gone.

"Mom? Dad?" You yelled, Steve following you inside.

Running around the house, you panicked. Every room except yours had furniture but nothing else. Every painting and picture had been taken down. All the furniture was still around but everything else was gone.

"Y/N? What's going on? I didn't see your parents cars in the garage..." Steve worried.

"My parents left. They packed up everything, and just like the rest of this town, they escaped...without telling me. They left me here to rot in Hawkins." You cried, earning a hug from Steve.

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