15- Connection

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Every minute you spent away from school was good. You had a whole week to get closer to finding out what Vecna wanted. You, Eddie and Steve had been brainstorming all day. On the dining room table was 6 pieces of paper. Two pages for Max, two pages for Chrissy and two pages for Fred.

Each page had a list of notes about why they were seeing Ms Kelley.

"Ah-ha! Chrissy was dating Jason, and Patrick was on his basketball team! That's the connection!" Steve smiled, having figured something out.

"That's a connection. Not the connection." You smiled, giving Steve a supportive pat on the back. You walked around the dining room table, looking through each of the pieces of paper.

There was something about each victim. Something that connected them all.

As you read the words on each page, something in your brain clicked.

"Holy shit!" You exclaimed, grabbing your radio.

"Nancy? Robin?" You spoke, confusing both Eddie and Steve.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?" Nancy responded.

"Get back to my house asap! I found a connection- scrap that, I found the connection." You smiled.

"Okay. We're on our way back now." Nancy and Robin spoke before you turned off the radio, putting it back onto the table.

By the time Nancy and Robin got back to your house, they had brought Max, Dustin and Lucas.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked.

"We called the school from where we were. Family emergency." Robin smiled as they all gathered around the dining room table.

"So, Y/N? What's the connection you found?" Eddie asked, smiling.

"The connection is simple. Past trauma and guilt." You declared.

"What do you mean by past trauma and guilt?" Lucas spoke, confused.

"In Chrissy's file, Ms Kelley wrote down that Chrissy has a tendency to throw up in the bathroom after eating. Why would she need to?" You questioned.

"Maybe Chrissy has some weight issues?" Max asked.

"From what Chrissy told Ms Kelley, her mom had been controlling about her weight and her father never said anything." You showed everyone that specific note.

"What does that have to do with guilt?" Steve asked.

"She must have felt guilty that she let her mother be so controlling. She must have also felt guilty about needing to vomit up her food. That's why Vecna killed her." Dustin sighed, sitting down.

"Next, is Fred." You pointed to Fred's pages.

"According to his notes, a few years ago he and his friend got into a car crash. The car was on fire and his friend needed help getting out before it exploded. Unfortunately, he left his friend to burn in the car." You read.

"So, he must have felt guilty about letting his friend die. That's why Vecna targeted him." Max sat down.

"I felt guilty about not trying to save Billy from dying." Max announced, knowing that she was next.

"I felt guilty about not calling the cops about the crash that my brother and I got into. I also felt responsible for his death." You sighed. You felt Eddie wrap his arms around you, trying to prevent you from crying. You kissed his cheek, appreciating the comfort.

"That just leaves Patrick. Would his guilt have been something to do with his parents? I mean, if there was a possibility that he was being abused, maybe be blamed himself?" Lucas suggested.

"Maybe, yeah." You sighed.

"So, the connection is guilt. If that's our overall marker, then we can use that to figure out who's next?" Robin asked.

"Most likely." You smiled.

"Finally. We have something to go on so we can prevent any more attacks." Steve smiled.

"That's the only problem. We have to figure out who's next before Vecna does." You looked between everyone.

"Vecna could choose anyone. Hawkins is the capital of messed up people. Every single person in Hawkins is messed up, or has a messed up past." Dustin sighed as he looked at all the pieces of paper.

"Well, unfortunately we can't go around asking people about their pasts or about any guilt they might have." Eddie rolled his eyes.

"No...we can't." Nancy sighed.

"So, we're screwed?" Robin asked.

"Yep. We're certainly screwed." Max looked around.

You watched as Nancy looked away.

"Nance? You okay?" You asked, Nancy smiling.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about." She smiled, putting on the most believable smile you had ever seen.

You walked into the kitchen, sighing. Eddie followed you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"What is wrong Lady Y/N? Are you okay?" Eddie asked.

"I'm just nervous, you know? I've been attacked. Max has been attacked. Chrissy, Fred and Patrick have been killed. Vecna is slowly but surely adding to his kill count. Soon, he might have another victim added." You sighed.

"Do not worry my princess. Everything will be okay. We will stop the Curse of Vecna. We have to stop the Curse of Vecna." Eddie smiled.

"A Dungeons and Dragons reference...really?" You laughed.

"Well, we are dealing with a real life version of Vecna, so yes. I will make a reference. Is that an issue for you?" Eddie smiled.

"Nope. No issues here." You kissed him.

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