16- Dustin vs Steve

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Spending so long at your house, Eddie needed more clothes. He left the house, making sure to take as many short cuts as possible to avoid being seen. After an hour, he hadn't come back. You jumped into action when you heard Eddie's voice over your radio.

"Y/N? Can you hear me? Y/N?" You heard Eddie's voice.

"Eddie...are you okay?" You panicked, speaking to Eddie, who sounded scared.

"I'm not okay! I repeat, I am not okay!" His voice was shaky. You were hoping to find out where he was, but the line went dead.

Not knowing where he was, you and the gang stayed at your place, not wanting to risk anything. While waiting to hear from Eddie again, you and the gang started talking. After having figured out what the connection was, every one was on edge, except Dustin, who was pacing around your living room, a compass in his hand.

"Dustin. Stop pacing! You're freaking me out!" You spoke, causing Dustin to stop.

"Can you just shut up for a minute?!" He freaked out.

"Hey, dude. Calm the hell down. No need to yell at Y/N!" Steve stood up.

"Why are you holding a compass?" Max looked at Dustin, who continued to pace.

"Y/N...do you have any compasses?" He asked, stopping.

"Yes?" You stood up, confused.

"Go get them for me please!" He waited for you to go and get the 3 compasses spread around your house.

"What's going on?" Robin asked, standing next to Dustin as he took the compasses from your hand, placing them on the nearest flat surface.

"These compasses, they're facing North, right?" He asked, confusing everyone except Lucas. You all nodded.

"That's not True North." Lucas caught on to what Dustin was saying.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, confused.

"That's not True North." Lucas repeated, Dustin rolling his eyes.

"Explain, please." Max sat down.

"God damn it. The sun rises in the East, and it sets in the West, right?" Dustin was really pissed by this point.

"So?" You asked.

"Which means, that's True North." He pointed opposite to where the needle of the compasses were pointing.

"That doesn't mean anything..." Steve scoffed.

You got excited when Eddie's voice was heard again. Grabbing the radio, you spoke.

"What happened to you? Why'd you get cut off?" You asked.

"Can I tell you when you come and find me?" He asked.

"Sure. Where are you?" You asked.

"Skull Rock. You know it?" He asked.

"Yeah, I know it." Steve spoke.

You were confused when Dustin picked up the compasses, grabbing his bag.

"Dustin...let Steve direct us!" Nancy shouted as you all headed to the car. Driving to the entrance to the woods, Steve was confused and so was everyone else. You just looked outside at the scenery, hoping that Eddie was okay.

Once arriving, Dustin started leading.

"Dude, I'm telling you, you're taking us the wrong way!" Steve argued as Dustin's eyes darted from the map and compass he was holding, to the path ahead of you.

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