"Does Anny wants to stay in the house?" I asked in a calm tone.

"Yes! What should I tell her?" she asked after a brief pause.

"Ask her to stay at the hotel. She will find out our living conditions if she stays with us." I pointed out and she didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Is this your answer?" She suddenly asked making me frown.

"What?" I asked her in a confused tone.

"I will tell her that and will also accept an answer only in direct words." Saying that she cut the call and I continued to frown not understanding her words.

Wait! Yesterday, she talked about shifting to my room, and right now I just... So, that's what she meant by asking whether this is the answer.

When she thought that I was an orphan and Dad adopted me, then she was friendly more than before. But when she found out the actual story behind the adoption, she just started... I cut off my thoughts and opened the file to check it properly.

In the evening, when it was time for everyone to leave, I stayed back to check the documents I received about Shrishti's boyfriend to check better and see if I missed anything.

I frowned at the contents and pushed them away feeling tired for not finding anything crucial from them no matter how many times I read the same thing more than twice.

As it is past ten, I stood up and left the cabin thinking about what to do next as I can't stop Shrishti without a proper reason.

Even though Mohan Uncle is against this, he can't force her with anything. Also, Dad will not let me meddle unless there is proof.

When I reached the house, I put the food on the table in the refrigerator before walking towards my room knowing well she must be in a class right now.

I already have many things right now to deal with and I don't want to deal with this matter right now for sure.

After a few days, there is finally proper news from the investigator, and even though it is not completely useful but it can be used somehow.

I called Mohan Uncle to inform him about this matter and said, "He searched about GH and that could be taken in a normal way but he actually searched her net worth and even tried to find out the shares that are in her name."

"He can give any kind of excuses if we ask him about these matters." He pointed out.

"I know, Uncle! But it is a start and hopefully, we will get some more information before the engagement party or even after that. So, try to talk to her and be ready to deal if we find something to tell her directly." I explained and he accepted before cutting the call.

That day even though I reached the house by ten like every day, I found her in the living room and not in her study attending her class.

I just glanced at her before walking towards the stairs but she stopped me asking, "I didn't say you need to ignore me if you don't like my suggestion. I clearly told you we can be back to normal like before."

"What?" I asked turning to stare at her.

"You don't remember what I said that day?" she asked back.

"Why are you coming late like this and going early just to avoid me and even not having dinner every day and also breakfast?" She added and I stared at her with a frown.

"I am busy right now dealing with Shrishti's matter." I replied and she nodded to that but took a step forward towards me.

"I know! I know that this matter is really important for you but that doesn't mean you ignore your health and the other things like..." I cut her off saying, "Nothing is more important for me to concentrate on than this matter. And there is nowhere written in the contract to say when should I come home and there is definitely not written anywhere that I need to have the food prepared by you."

A Tale Of Schemes... #1,#2,#3Where stories live. Discover now