Chapter 25

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*Vikranth Pov*

"It is finally ready and I have already watched it. You have a good eye to choose this artist as the first one of your agency." I heard those words calmly before asking him whether he can send the copy to me if possible.

"Sure! But don't let it leak as they are planning to release it next week. Even the artists haven't seen it." I assured him and he cut the call saying he will send it soon.

I sat there in silence while staring at the system and after a few minutes, I heard the sound of the mail.

I moved the cursor to click on it but paused realizing I am nervous which is not that common for me.

However, this time the stakes are big as if I fail in this agency part, then it will not just bring loss to the agency but also brings unwanted words towards Dad.

I shut down the system and stood up to leave early as I need some time to calm down before checking the trailer for the web series.

Even though the director already messaged me saying everything went well, and even one of the producers who was my classmate mentioned the same, I am still not assured of the result.

It's not that I don't trust Anny's capability but anything can go wrong with the story or even the other artists.

When I stepped out of the cabin, Jay glanced at me in surprise while I calmly said, "If there are any emergency calls, pass them to my phone directly. Otherwise, don't disturb me about minor things."

"Okay, Sir! Enjoy your date!" I paused hearing those words before glancing at him with a pointed look.

"Sorry, sir! I assumed that was the reason." He apologized and pressed his lips together tightly.

I shook my head and continued to walk towards the elevator before pressing the button. After a few seconds, the door opened but it is not empty as both Mohan Uncle and Pramod Uncle are standing there.

"You are leaving early? Good! That's how the married man should behave." Pramod Uncle commented while I calmly stepped into the elevator.

"We just went to talk to your Dad about the remembrance day for my wife that will be held this coming Sunday. Don't forget to bring your wife with you." Mohan Uncle explained and I froze hearing those words.

The matter about Shrishti's Mom is always an alarming matter for me because I know that person is indirectly the reason for her death. If they find someday that I am the son of that person, then... I controlled my expression before turning to glance at them.

"Don't say that she is busy even for this. It's been two months since we saw her and every time you give excuses about how she is busy with her course. You think I don't know the reason behind all this. It is because of my wife only." Pramod Uncle commented.

"Even I talked to Shrishti and ask your wife to forgive her. Even though she is older than your wife, she doesn't control her thoughts and acts on them rashly." Mohan Uncle continued.

"She will be there, Uncle!" I mumbled to stop them from saying anything else or even for them to feel guilty for what happened last month at their anniversary party.

"Good! Are you coming to see us?" I shook my head in negative hearing that question and Mohan Uncle smiled before adding, "Then why didn't you press the ground floor button?"

I cleared my throat before moving to press the button and stayed silent while they both started discussing the things they need to purchase.

When I reached the house, I found her car already in the garage, and then I realize she is not using the car after shifting to this place.

A Tale Of Schemes... #1,#2,#3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora