Chapter 6

379 18 15

Trigger warning:  Homophobia

June 1416


Things had been going slow the past few years. The Doctor and you had settled in your little cottage near a village called Tadfield, an adorable spot an hour or so away from London. The Doctor, still having to work for much longer than you wanted him to, could now at least come home at the end of the day.

He had gained a lot of attention in London, he was well known for being one of the leading doctors on his field, even going as far as teaching his techniques to others. You were incredibly proud of him, knowing that this was always his dream, but there were certain things you didn't enjoy about your friend being so well known. One of which being the frilly shirts and itchy stockings you were being forced to wear. You weren't used to having to wear fancy clothes, usually just opting for commoners clothes, but the Doctor was invited to a ball and decided that you should come with him.

You tried to stuff the cravat thingy into your shirt (the Doctor had lent you a cravat of his and you had not a single clue how to operate it). Sighing you gave up and walked to the Doctors study where he was changing. You knocked on the open door, averting your eyes so that he could keep some of his privacy.

"Come in, dear." You walked in. "I don't know how to do... this." pulling at the cravat that sat uncomfortably around your neck. You looked up at him. He looked handsome in the dark red and black clothes he wore, his curly hair slicked back. He chuckled standing close to you fiddling around with the cloth around your neck.

"You look handsome.", you told him looking into his pretty eyes that were concentrated on fixing whatever you had done to his poor cravat. His eyes flickered to yours and you were sure his face got a little pinker than before. "You do too." You snickered feeling every uncomfortable bit of your fancy clothes. "I have no clue how you wear this stuff several times a week, its the most uncomfortable thing Ive ever worn!" He laughed.

"You get used to it."Finishing your cravat he took your hand into his while pushing a mask into your other. You groaned as he grinned at you. "Do I have to? They are seriously starting to smell." He put his arm around your waist, pulling you to your front door. "Tell you what, if you wear it today Ill get new ones next week, okay?" Grumbling but smiling you let him drag you to the carriage.


The moment you arrived at the house of the friends of Doctor who threw the ball you knew you weren't going to enjoy this. The other people that stepped out of their carriages all had make up on, white wigs and big frilly dresses that barely fit through the carriage doorways. Obnoxiously loud laughter coming from inside.  The Doctor put a hand on your shoulder.

"Were going whenever you want." You looked up at him, already wearing the mask. Nodding you put yours on and followed him inside. The hosts of the ball greeted you at the entrance. The man, the Doctor had told you his name was Thomas, shook both your hands.

"Doctor, I am so pleased, that you came. Who is your companion?" Both he and who you assumed was his wife looked curiously looked at you. "This is my dearest friend (Y/N)." The Doctor introduced you. Why does it hurt to be called his friend?

"Well then you two, enjoy yourselves!" Thomas forced a smile, patted the Doctor on the shoulder and turned to welcome the next people. Pulling you near a table with food the Doctor giggled. Suspiciously you looked up at him.

"What did you do? Is it not normal to go to a ball as friends?" He laughed. "No it is, it is. I'm guessing he just didn't think you were a man from the way I spoke about you." You could feel your face get warm. "How did you talk about me?" The Doctor abruptly stopped laughing. "Nothing! I didn't say anything. Hey would you look at that, that's my friend John over there, Ill go say hello. Bye, bye." and with that he stuttered walking over to a man in a bright blue coat.

Laughing to yourself you took a little cake and went out on the nearby balcony to eat it. Pulling the stuffy mask of you began to eat it. As time passed you talked to a few people here and there, declining a young ladies request to dance, because you never learned how to and you didn't want to embarrass her. Thankfully the nice lady who went by the name of Mabel was a great conversationalist and you talked for most of the evening about your shared interest in gardening and herbs.

After a while the Doctor joined you again leaning on the railing next to you, a cake similar to yours in his hands. He pulled off his mask and began eating the cake.  A new music piece started up inside and a handsome young man approached Mabel to ask for a dance, she excitedly waved you goodbye after being lead to the dance floor. Putting his now empty plate down, the Doctor held out his hand to you.

"May I have this dance?" Your face heated up. "I-I cant dance." He smiled and took your hands in his. "You learn something new everyday, hm?" He put one of your hands on his shoulder and his own on your waist. "Follow my lead." He started moving his feet. "Wait no, I don't know how to!" You both started laughing as you both wobbled around  the waltz you tried to go for completely forgotten as you just twirled around for fun.

When the song ended you both were giggling and out of breath. As you leaned back on the railing your glance fell on the balcony door, where a beyond angry Thomas stood in the door way.

"I suggest you leave, there is no place for...people like you here." The Doctor scoffed and took your hand in his and walked past him shoving him away with his shoulder. "Your ball was ridiculously bland anyway, people like us wouldn't want to be seen here." The Doctor and you were laughing at the dumbfounded face Thomas made the whole way home.


Hey its ya boy, skinny penis.
(I am so so sorry I'm very tired)
This chapter is a product of me being sleep deprived and procrastinating school stuff I should've done two weeks ago, but I still hope you enjoyed it!
Again thank you so much for voting and commenting! You (and the geography homework due in 5 hours) are motivating me so much to write and I'm really glad that some people actually enjoy reading my brain rot for people with british accents! You guys are rad!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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