Chapter 3

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It had been a month or so since you met the doctor for the first time. After your initial meeting he had come to your store almost every day, shortly before you closed it up. And almost every day it would end with the two of you laughing about the stories you told eachother over a cup of lavender tea.

Today was the first time in a while that Camille visited you. Leaning on the stick she used to help her walk, she curiously looked around the various oddities you had stacked on your many shelves.

She took a deck of tarot card off one of your small display tables.
"Y/N) dear, what are those? "

You were about to answer, when the store door opened. In stepped the man you now considered your best friend.  A smile crept on your face.

"Doktor, how are you today?" You could see his face light up when he saw you.

"(Y/N)! I'm doing fantastic, now that I'm here. What about you?"

"Amazing,  now that you're here." You laughed. Grabbing his wrist you turned around and pulled him over to your grinning friend.

"Doctor this is Camille, I've known her for ages." You looked back at him, he nodded curtly at Camille before looking back at you, completely ignoring her. "Pleasure."

You frowned.  When you first met him he didn't act like that. Shrugging it off Camille put the Tarot deck back, and made her way over to you and hugged you.

"I was about to leave anyway, im expected for dinner. Take care, sweetheart." With that she walked out of the shop with a wave and a smile.

The door shut leaving you alone with the doctor. You looked at him, once again illuminated by the setting sun. It was a sight you could get used to. You realized too late that he was staring right back at you with a smirk.

"Like what you see?" He snickerd.
"Obviously. " You smiled back, moving towards the stairs to your apartment.
"Whats gotten into you today?"
You asked him, while opening the door for him.

He sighing he walked up the stairs.
"Nothing, nothing, dear." He sat himself on his usual armchair and paused. "Say, how long have you known Camille?"

You smirked at him.
"Why do you wanna know?" You asked teasingly.

"Just want to know." He grumbled.
You laughed at his increasingly flushing face. "Don't worry, we're not incredibly close, she's just an old friend."

"Oh yes, of course." He mumbled.
Snickering you walked to your kitchen.
"Lavender please."


You sat down giving him his steaming cup smiling.
"Anything on your mind?"
He let out a long sigh.
"Actually yes. I might have to leave for Marseilles."

"What!?" You amost let your teacup fall onto the wooden floor of your living room.
"Don't worry it won't be for long, I just had an acquaintance write a letter to me, telling me about a new illness that might spread. I want to help him cure it."

You took a deep breath.
You knew this would happen eventually. After all when you first asked what kind of doctor he was, he told you that he traveled and tried to find cures for new diseases and sicknesses.
Still you hadnt thought he would leave so soon.

"Are you going to come back?" You whisperd in a terrified, silent voice. He laughed.

"Of course I am. I just have to help an old acquaintance." He paused. "Though I do have to admit I'll  miss our little meetings."
You smiled sadly down at your cooling tea.

"Yeah, me too."


It had almost been a year since you had seen the doctor. You currently sat at your kitchen table, in the middle of the night, the rain outside pounding against your window. You were looking through the letters the doctor wrote you.
Eventhough you wrote eachother frequent letters, it still couldn't replace seeing him in person.

His letters were written in the most beautiful font you had ever seen, questions to you and witty answers to your inquiries sprawled onto three or more pages that arrived in a big envelope every few weeks.

He told you how horrible the plague had gotten, especially in Marseilles, which was the reason he stayed there. Sadly the illness it hadn't miraculously stopped at the city border of Paris as you would have preferred it.

You lost Carmille to it. Of course it was expected,  that she would die soon. Gods she was old enough to have died from natural causes but seeing her slowly being consumed by her illness really took a toll on you.

You told him about that in your latest letter and even though he hadn't known her for long, well he hadn't even really interacted with  her,  he still showed so much empathy and understanding of your sadness. You still just wished you could talk to him in person.

He told you in his last letter that he would be coming back soon, but you couldn't be sure when that would be, considering traveling was unsafe and estimated times of arrival unreliable. Who knew when he wrote this.

Sighing you neatly stuffed the letters back into their respective envelope and putting them into the little basket you had woven just for them.

Taking the almost burned down candle and walking towards your sleeping niche you yawned. Your apartment was cold and you were very much welcoming the soothing warmth of your blankets.
Getting under the covers, you were about to blow out the candle when you heard a knocking on the front door of the shop.

Groaning you got back up, grabbing the candle and staggering down the narrow stairs barefoot and in your sleeping gown.
Who on earth knocks at a person's door at three in the morning?

You opened the door just to see the terrific mask of a plague doctor. For a second you thought they were going to deliver the horrible news of another acquaintance of yours dying, until the taller figure pulled you into a tight hug. At first you freaked out trying to push this supposed stranger away from you, until you breathed in his scent.
Immediately knowing that this was the doctor you'd longer to see again for month, you hugged him back.

Basking in the familiarity of your best friends embrace again after such a long time of not seeing eachother. He was soaked from the pouring rain, his mask tilted at an weird angle but it felt like the best hug you've ever received.

"I missed you." You whisperd.
"I missed you too." You hearing the smile in his voice, you tightend the hug.

"Lavender please."

Guess who has more Chapters in progress?
It's me, i do!
Once again thank you so much for the votes, the comments and just for reading my dumb fanfiction, you peoplemake my day!!!
(I also showed this to a friend, so friend, you know who you are. Pls don't bully me for this :,))
-Kai :]

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