Chapter 4

334 27 14

April 1407
The doctor and you had been seeing eachother everyday for the past few decades. Well for the exceptions of the times every year where another one of his friends or acquaintances of his friends send for him to come help them with another version of the plaque.

And a plaque it was indeed, because he left everytime and you missed him more everytime he did. Lately he'd been a lot in England and you were beginning to suspect that he started to like it there more than he enjoyed it in France.

"Whats on your mind, dear." The Doktor asked. Even his accent is starting to sound british, you thought to yourself.

Sighing you looked arround. You were visiting the small village you grew up in. The one he asked you to go to every winter to avoid the worst waves of the plaque.

The two of you were currently sat under the tree you had planted when you were eight, it now beeing a big willow. You had spread out an old blanket, near the small river nearby, on which you sat as to not dirty your clothes. In the small box infront of you were your favorite biscuits , that you practically ate all on your own due to your friend seemingly living just off of his beloved tea that had long cooled in the tin can he brought it in.

"About you having to leave that often. This is the first time in a while that I've been outside of Paris with you. I just wish I could help you get rid of that horrid illness." He smiled slightly annoyed at you for bringing this up for the fourteenth time that decade.

"(Y/N) I've told you already, I don't want you near all that. We don't know how-"

"-how different illnesses could affect our immortality and it's dangerous, I know, I know. We've had this conversation before." You let out a dramatic sigh laying down on your back and staring at the blooming catkins of your tree. "What I still don't understand is why you can go and I can't. It gets terribly boring in the shop alone after a few decades, you know?"

He chuckled at your antics, laying down with you. You looked over at him, once again enamored by the way the setting sun made him even prettier than he usually was. It got rarer and rarer that you saw his handsome face, because he kept wearing that horrid doctors mask of his, insisting that it was safer that way and even asking you every now and then to put one on when in public.

The only thing that made you happy about the morbid disguise was that he kept on asking you for dried flowers and herbs (mostly just lavender) to put in the beak of it. It made you happy that he always had something from you on him. Unbeknownst to you this was exactly the reason he asked only you and never one of his doctor friends for them.

"I know, you've told me that before. I just want to have you safe." He sighed. Imitating him you sighed too, making him chuckle.

"You're going back to Paris soon?" He asked looking back at the hanging branches of the tree. Evey year over the winter he'd convinced you to go back to your old village,  where almost noone lived anymore. It was safer there, than in the city and eventhough you despised going back here and reliving memories of people that were long dead, you agreed it was better than being holed up in your shop, the only news you got being of death. Arguably the best part was, that he came to visit you.

"Mhhh, you know how much I miss it there, right?" You asked grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers. He sighed again, something he did way too much in your opinion.
" Yes I know. I guess I just don't want to have to go back to Paris. Back to all the...all the death." You frowned.

" I mean we don't have to go back. I've told you, if you don't want to spend every second of your literal immortal life trying to cure people, then you don't have to." You fiddled more with his hands before letting it just rest in your smaller hand.

"I know you did." He paused nervously. "I've heard that England has a new variant of it." You groaned, annoyed that he might be leaving you again." Hey, hear me out." He pulled on your hand, sitting up.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." Abruptly you sat up and stared at his pretty brown eyes. "What?"
He chuckled at your startled reaction.
Man that guy had nerves to laugh at you after litteral half a century of denying requests of exactly this.

"I mean if you don't want to...?" He teased.
"No! No, I want to! It's just... surprising?" Trying to play your reaction down, you settled back down on the blanket, picking up the fidgeting with his hand again.
" How come the change of mind?"

"I missed you." You looked up from his hand. "This wasn't the plan, but I missed you over the winter. I havent been able to see you as much as I wanted to this winter and I want to be able to do otherwise in the next one."

"Awwwwww, you're too adorable!"
You tackled him in a hug, almost sitting on his lap, your arms around his neck.

"Yeah, yeah I'm an delightful person to be around. " You could hear the grin in his voice as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

"So what do you say?" He asked, basking in the familiarity of the action and resting his chin on your head.

"Of course I'm going doofus, I've been waiting for this for litteral decades!"
He laughed, his chest rumbling.
"Cmon, it's getting late. We should go back to the cottage. "

"Few more minutes please?"

"Fine, a few more." He said and pressed you closer to his chest.

I haven't slept in a good 49-52 hours and I'm trying to avoid irl problems and emotions but I'm doing awesome 👌
Again I'm so happy that you are reading this and I still think it's super cool that you voted and commented. You're very much motivating me and making me happy! :)))
Have a great day you amazing people!

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