Chapter five

301 18 5

May 1407


You had packed most of the things in your store into big trunks and chests by the end of the month.
The Doctor had apparently brought a a cottage near London, far enough away to keep you away from the illness.

At the moment you were trying to pull a big chest full of your different books onto the carriage that would bring you to the ship you were supposed to travel to London.
The Doctors hands came from behind you lifting the chest up with ease.

"Are you really a Doctor?" You chuckled, so did he.
"I indeed am, but its a reasonable question considering how strong and handsome I am."

Shoving him out of the way you climbed

"I knew my suspicions were right."


Walking through Paris felt surreal. You hadn't been doing that in along time, but you had time left before boarding the ship.
The doctor had made you wear one of his icky masks and despite the underlying pleasant smell of lavender (which you were sure was the one you gave to him) the mask reeked of old sweaty leather, making you want to puke.

What was far worse though,  were the people around you begging to help them, thinking you were a doctor. People grabbing you by your clothes and trying to pull you towards them. They had a putrid smell, almost as if they were already rotting and dead. The whole walk you hung on the doctors arm, scared of getting dragged away by someone for you to help them.
When you got back to the port he nudged you in the side.

"I told you you wouldn't like coming with me."  you shivered, returning even closer to him.

"I didn't know it was this bad." Not wanting to make you even more uneasy about him going away to treat the plague he tried to change the subject.

"Ready to spend 80 days on a ship, (Y/N)?" He teased, pulling you closer, an arm around your shoulders. You groaned thankful for the distraction from the horrifying things you just witnessed.

"You know very well that I get sea sick!" He had the audacity to laugh at your suffering. Thankfully for him his laugh was contagious and you soon giggled with him.

"Come on poppet, we should go on board to start your suffering sooner." he pulled you with him walking towards the ship, scooping up the last of your bags that you had taken with you.

"You are such a sadist." You laughed, following him.


 The doctor and you shared a cabin, which basically meant that neither of you could sleep. You because you were either busy puking your guts out or complaining about puking your guts out to the doctor.  And the doctor was constantly worrying about your health and actively staying up so that he could help get something you could spew into so you at least a few of your clothes that weren't covered in your dinner.

This lead to the both of  loosing sleep to the point where you both didn't bother any more with sleeping in separate beds. Whenever you woke up, the doctor would wake up too( he was an incredibly light sleeper), instinctively giving you a bowl and holding back your hair, which had gotten longer during the journey.

To your agony, when you arrived at londons port you still had to stay two weeks on the ship in quarantine, to make sure you didn't bring the plague with you. When you finally set foot on land again, you let out a relieved laugh.

"Arent you glad you finally wont have to wake up in the middle of the night to me throwing up?" You asked him swirling around to take his hand in your smaller one. Even with the mask you could tell, that he was smiling. You started pulling him to the carriage that he somehow already organized for you. Fumbling to get up the steps while still holding his hand, you finally slumping  down on the by far softer than the ones in the ships seats with a sigh. You snickered at the sight of the doctor hitting his head on the entrance while trying to keep up with you. Jokingly he shoved you a bit so that he could sit too.

"It wasn't that bad dear." He answered your earlier question as you picked his hand back up into yours. The doctor pulled out a book out of his doctors bag as he pulled of his mask. The carriage started to make its way through the streets of London.

"The Canterbury Tales? Oh you shouldn't have!" You snuggled into him as he opened your favourite book. He started reading out loud and to the soothing warmth of his voice and the distant but familiar chatter of the city you drifted of into a sleep full of travelling pilgrims and the doctor.


You woke up to the soft shake of your shoulder and the doctor whispering to wake up, just like everyday on the ship. Just that the nauseating movements of the ship were missing. Confused you looked around your gaze landing back on the doctor with slightly dishevelled hair and a wide grin.

"Cmon poppet, were here."With that he pulled you out of the carriage with the same enthusiasm you usually dragged him around with. The sun was almost completely gone as you stood in front of your new house. It was a small half timbered house with a large garden and a wooden fence around it. The last lights of the day made it seem homey. The doctor smiled proudly at you, his pretty features once again illuminated.

"What do you think, (Y/N)?" You looked back to the house, smiling at the many memories you'd be making here soon. You squeezed his hand.

"Its brilliant."


Guess whos back after like almost a month?

Its me Ya Boy Kai (also very, very sorry, I had a lot going on)

On another note we have reached 163 views and 28 votes!!! Thats like 161 views and 27 voted less than i expected I would get and ngl it baffles my mind that people thought this was good enough to look at! You guys are really awesome and I'm incredibly thankful to have so many people that occasionally think this is a good read!

[I also did research for this so yeah definitions time!


an old nickname for someone small and endearing

The Canterbury Tales

In The Canterbury Tales, a group of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury Cathedral compete in a storytelling contest. This overarching plot, or frame, provides a reason for the pilgrims to tell their stories, which reflect the concerns sparked by the social upheavals of late medieval England. (copy pasted that from google)

and i also did the math for how long the journey by ship would take, but I'm literally failing math so don't take my word for this being true]

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