Chapter two

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"I wouldn't have thought a person like you would be interested in such things?" You chuckled nervously.

The only people that would usually stop by in your little shop were old acquaintances or people trying to burn you for 'practicing witchcraft'.
And the man in front of you was ,at least from his looks by far more likely to want to cook his dinner on a fire burning on basis of your remains.

The man smirked at the obvious distress in your voice.

"I wouldn't be ,if you hadn't done a little magic trick on a certain boy. Antoine is his name I believe?"

You sucked in air trying to distract your fingers with putting the dried lavender in a pocket of the apron you wore arround the store.
So someone did notice.

"I tell the future to believers. And sell potions to people that think they work. I twist the reality for people that believe in things like witchcraft. There's nothing magical about that." You looked to the side trying to avoid eyecontact. If there was one thing you were bad at it was lying. " What I gave Antoine was just a family recipe."

"Is that so?" The stranger asked amused and clearly seeing through your excuses." Well I'm guessing if you're just a fraud, you're not interested in talking to someone who may be similar to you?"

You stared at him. Similar to you? He couldn't possibly mean?

"What exactly are you saying? " eager for the answer. It couldn't possibly be that someone like you existed. You gave up on that idea centuries ago. You didn't want to get your hopes high again, just to be disappointed, but you couldn't help it.

"I've been to Paris before. Years ago." He paused."decades ago."

With a shaky breath you tried to sweep some of the broken off lavender off your counter. It couldn't be.

"My parent looked a lot like me, I'm sure you're confusing us."

"I'm not." He said and stepped closer, his voice steady and calm. If you weren't paying extra attention to it you would've thought he was bored, but desperation seeped through his eyes, the same desperation you felt everytime you thought of finding someone like you. Someone that wouldn't be gone in a few decades. That desperation, same as yours made you believe him.

" Maybe you really did see me." You told, still wary of his intentions. "Would you want to talk about...this somewhere more private?


You were painfully aware of how messy your living quarters were as you showed your guest to your kitchen.
Books, herbs and old, unwashed shirts strewn around in a whirlwind of your own chaos.

Awkwardly chuckling you swished half a dozen half read books off your kitchen table, knocking your teapot over the edge of the table.
Before it could land on the hardwood floor, the doctor snatched it.

"Good reflexes, mh?" You smiled at him and took the teapot out of his much larger hands. "Tea?"

For the first time he let out a laugh ( which was way more attractive than you thought a laugh could be ).
"Are you going to read my future from the bottom of my teacup after?"

Your smile widend. "Might as well find out more about the handsome stranger that catches teapots, ey?"

That comment made his cheeks a shade redder than they were before, his eyes widening in surprise. Still he counterd.

"Only if the other handsome stranger is offering lavender tea."

The compliment (which you were sure was just a nicety returned ) made you panic a bit. Stuttering you assured him that you in fact had lavender tea there you turned around searching your cabinets for said dried flowers.

Out of the blue you felt someone breathing on your neck.

He reached into the pocket of your apron and pulled the dried lavender out of it.

"Looking for this?" He smiled innocently at you fully aware of your flustered state.

"Yeah" you whisperd, pointedly avoiding eyecontact.


One steaming pot of lavender tea turned to three, while the sun slowly began to set.
The conversation with this almost stranger felt like a conversation held with an year old friend. Time flew like it had never before.

He understood and shared many of your problems, your loneliness, even your fear of never finding anyone like you.

You had similar interests too. As hard as they were to get by you both loved collecting and reading books. Eventhough he enjoyed the ones that were more on the medical side while you loved tales and fables, you still promised eachother to lend some to the other.

Of course you were still vary of him. As much as he seemed genuinely interested in what you said and understanding of your issues, one afternoon still couldn't undo the loneliness and doubt of ever finding another immortal like you that had balled up over the many centuries you've lived.

You remembered the first and last time ( or so you thought) you told someone else about it. You remembered the humiliation from your peers. The pain you felt. You swore that day to never talk about it again. It scared you that you opened up so quickly to the doctor.

Sure there were people like Camille that noticed that you didn't seem to age, but it still was a huge step from not talking about it for over 200 years to spilling so many of your secrets to a first time costumer of yours.

You were currently saying goodbye at the front door of your store. The hood of his long cloak down so that you could see the golden light if the sun reflect on his features.

"It was good talking to you. I hope we could do that again?" He smiled softly.

You grinned up at him.



Yay, woooo I finally managed to finnish this :D
To the people that voted, and especially the person that commented thank you, you really made my day :)))))
Hope it doesn't dissapoint

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