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"Hey, [Name]!" A voice called, Cheng looked around and saw Dre wrapping his arms around the [hair colored] girl

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"Hey, [Name]!" A voice called, Cheng looked around and saw Dre wrapping his arms around the [hair colored] girl.

"See? We told you." Zhuang nudged Cheng on the shoulder making Cheng 'tsk.' The boy stared at [Name] and Dre walking together to grab some food. "Hey, Hey. Look-" Liang patted the two on their backs before pointing towards Meiying walking towards Dre.

Ah, shit. [Name] looked at Meiying, her eyes widened. The girl walked towards Dre making [Name] sweat, nervously looking around in case Cheng was around. [Name] grabbed her brother's arm before trying to pull him away from the approaching girl.

"Dre, come-" Dre looked at [Name] with a confused look, "Wait-" trying to pull away, Dre felt someone touching his hair. Quickly, he looked away from [Name] to see Meiying.

"Hi." Meiying smiled, her gentle eyes stared at Dre then wandered towards [Name]. "Hey," Meiying and [Name] greeted at the same time.

<Meiying looks so precious in this scene, My heart can't-...>

Meiying grabbed her own food tray and some chopsticks before placing foods on her tray, "You know, we only wear out uniforms on uniform day." Meiying reminded, [Name] still hasn't let go of Dre's arm. The girl's nervous antics started to take over her body, gently jumping or tapping her shoes on the ground.

"Oh, Yeah. I so got that one." Dre nodded, trying to add food on his tray. [Name]'s tray was already full so she decided to impatiently wait for Dre, she didn't want to make it look like she didn't want Meiying around, she's just scared that Cheng would find the two together and let's just say, it'll end up so bad Dre might get another black eye.

Dre looked down at his tray to see Meiying had added foods and noodles on his tray, "Dre, Let's go." [Name] said through a whispered.

"Hold on, [Name]." The boy suggested, smiling at Meiying. "Thanks." Meiying nodded, "I'm Meiying, Your sister introduced us remember?" Meiying asked, smiling at [Name] who gave a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." Dre smiled, looking at his sister before nodding. The girl started to place her food before a woman grab it and added some extras, "I'm sorry about Cheng." Dre and [Name] did that same, placing it on top of the counter.

"So that's his name." Dre sarcastically remarked, "I believe he and [Name] has classes together." Meiying looked down, intertwining her hands together.

"[Name], You do?" Dre asked, almost sounding like Sherry, looking at [Name] with disbelief in his eyes. "I'm only two months younger than you-..." The girl sassed before looking down, "Also, yes. It is true." Dre grabbed [Name]'s arm and frowned, "It's okay, he cannot hurt her nor can he hurt you. It's the school's policy." Meiying added.

The two really hoped that Cheng won't do anything on their first day, "Is he your boyfriend?" Dre asked, Meiying furrowed her brows and laughed. "No." Dre sighed in relief for that fact that they finally got their trays back and the fact that Cheng wasn't Meiying's boyfriend.

"Our parents are very close." [Name] sighed and decided to look around, "Well, He definitely likes you." Dre said.

"Okay, we're sorry Meiying but we have to go." Meiying nodded, understanding. "What?" Dre furrowed his brows in confusion, looking at [Name].

"I have to go practice-" Meiying walked away making [Name] jumped, "Goodbye-" Before the girl could bid her goodbye, Dre turned around.

"Wait." [Name] wanted to facepalm, can this boy not get the hint? "You eat and practice at the same time?" Asked Dre.

Meiying nodded, acting like it's her daily schedule. It is, "Yes." She answered. "But my mom says, If you eat standing up. It gives you gas." Dre said making Meiying laugh, it was funny but [Name] lets his words past through her other ear.

"You're funny." With that, Meiying walked away.

"OKAY, Lover boy. Let's go-" Before [Name] could drag Dre away, Dre's tray went flying up the air before falling down to the ground, spilling the food all over his uniform. "Cheng?!" The girl shouted, staring at the boy with grey clothings.

"Sorry." The boy apologized, not really sincere with his words. Every eyes turned to look at the three, plus Zhuang and Liang. "Come on, dude!" Dre shouted, pushing Cheng.

"Dre, No!" [Name] yelled, grabbing Dre's jacket while Mrs. Po came in and grabbed Cheng away. "You two, Stop it." Mrs. Po ordered but Dre did not want to stop considering Cheng did that on purpose, "He just slammed the tray all over me!" Dre shouted, trying to argue.

"Dre.." [Name] whispered, watching as her eyes locked with Cheng. "I already apologized yet he still attacked me." [Name] frowned, "Whatever he's saying, he's lying!" Dre pointed, tired of the language.

"You're the one who sent Dre's tray flying!" [Name] shouted back, pointing at Cheng. "It's true!" Dre nodded, agreeing with whatever his sister was saying.

"You two, Go." Mrs. Po ordered, pointing outside. [Name] grabbed her tray and guided Dre outside, not before bumping her shoulder with Cheng. As they looked at each other, there was something in Cheng's eyes that she cannot explain nor can Cheng be read like a book, that boy was mysterious. Cheng sent a smirk before walking away. "Mr. Cheng, Go."

"I hate this place!" Dre shouted, [Name] following quietly.

Another awful day in Beijing.

"Here, I have extra napkins." [Name] whispered, handing Dre some napkins while he tried wiping the sauce and soup off his uniform. "Don't you just hate him? I can't believe you've got classes with him." The girl chuckled, "I'm not his seat mate though, so that's a plus." [Name] shrugged, placing the napkins on the trash bin.

The two sat down on the bench outside the classroom, waiting for the bell to ring.

"It's still stupid." Dre mumbled, "What did you say anyway, Earlier." The boy threw the used napkins in the bin, "The truth, Mrs. Po doesn't seem to believe us."

"Sorry I dragged you into this whole mess, [Name]." Dre apologized, looking down and feeling guilty. "It's okay, Champ. Us underdogs have to look out for each other, right?" Dre smiled and nodded, wrapping their arms around each other.

"Ew, this feels weird."

"Try wearing the wet unifrom. It feels way more weirder."

!! Changed the part where Dre called [Name] 'Baby' for it was meant to be taken as 'Baby-sister' cause that's what Sherry calls Dre and is taken as 'Baby boy/ my son' and I didn't realize that it made people uncomfortable!! I apologize!!

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!! Changed the part where Dre called [Name] 'Baby' for it was meant to be taken as 'Baby-sister' cause that's what Sherry calls Dre and is taken as 'Baby boy/ my son' and I didn't realize that it made people uncomfortable!! I apologize!!

༊*·˚so long, farewell; luwei chengWhere stories live. Discover now