Chapter 45: Homecoming

Start from the beginning

Everyone: Yeah! Okay.

Tyler Down: So, like, we'll be out there in front of all the football players?

Jessica Davis: In front of the whole wide world.

Everyone: Yes!

Hannah Baker: I Love it when you get fired up!

Casey Ford: This is why we elected you!

Jessica had a hell of a plan. And this is going to be the biggest wake up call for Liberty High. Too Bad I won't be there.

Homecoming Day

It's Homecoming day. With only a few hours before, Bryce decided to come to Liberty to talk to Tyler before he goes to Hillcrest to join his team on the team bus. Bryce finds Tyler in the yearbook room.

Tyler Down: What are you doing here?

Bryce Walker: I came to talk. I took a guess that you'd be in the yearbook room.

Tyler Down: I'm sorry. About the motel. I was in...

Bryce Walker: Dude, it's okay. It's okay. But... but that's why I'm here. You said that Monty did something to you, and tried to blame it on me.

Tyler Down: Nothing. It was... Really, it was nothing.

Bryce Walker: Tyler, you almost shot me. I'm really convinced it wasn't nothing. Did it have anything to do with Spring Fling? With... With what you were gonna do that night?

Tyler Down: I don't... I kind of just want to forget about it.

Bryce Walker: Listen... This may be impossible for you to believe, but... I'm on your side. I'm trying to set some things right that I made wrong, and one of those is Monty.

Tyler Down: I can't... talk to you about it. I can show you something.

Tyler decides to show him the video he made before he left for Spring Fling. Bryce was shocked as tears came running down on his face.

Bryce Walker: I have to do something.

Tyler Down: Please don't say anything. To Monty or anyone. It'll only make things worse.

Bryce Walker: Because you have to go to school with him every day.

Tyler Down: Yes.

Bryce Walker: Yeah. What is that like for you?

Tyler Down: I mean, I'm doing better. But... every time I see him, it's like part of me is... is back there. I mean, at first, it was all I could think about. It was just replaying over and over again in my head. Now, I can get my mind on other things. But if I have a minute to drift... the memory... it's always there. Waiting.

Bryce Walker: We have to tell the police.

Tyler Down: No! No. Please. Please don't make me tell anyone.

Bryce Walker: Okay. I get it. I get it. What if I could make it so you're not afraid anymore? I mean, look, I can't take those memories away from you. And I can't get rid of Monty. But I think I can make it better for you. I can make it so you're not afraid of him ever again.

Later that night, H.O. prepare for their protest as the check if they have everything.

Jessica Davis: All right, who's the keeper of the banner?

H.O. Member #1: Got it.

Jessica Davis: Great. And the paint?

H.O. Member #2: Right here.

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