4:02 pm
Stalker: tell me when you get home

4:03 pm
Stalker: i'm gonna need details ;)

9:53 pm
Stalker: now I know your home, call me bitch

10:54 pm
Stalker: so not only did you ditch me, you're ignoring me. call me back bitch

10:55 pm
Stalker: that Tasmanian devil better be worth it.👿

11:51 pm
Stalker: you better b dead bitch

I snicker at his dramatics and text back that I was ok and that I would make it up to him for not calling back. I then open the messages from the unknown sender:

9:07 pm
maybe Parker: hey this is Parker from footlocker, I hope I have the right number

9:10 pm
maybe Parker: this is the website to the online application for the position
1 Attachment

Parker really texted me. I wonder if he was nervous too, he kept stuttering during our first encounter.

12:46 am

Hey Parker, this is Angel,  you have the right number

12:46 am

thanks for sending it to me

I left the conversation at that as my eyelids become heavy and set my phone down on the nightstand. I let sleep takes hold of me as I listen to Elijah's raspy breaths.


"Did you grab your report files for today? You don't want there to be any complications with today's meeting before your brother comes back?" Max, Shawn's father, says to him as we walk out the door. His father was very intimidating and didn't talk about anything other than pack duties to Shawn for the entire morning. It was either that or listen to his mother baby talk to Elijah.

I was just ready to leave so rushed out of the door in the same clothes I came in. I had less than twenty-four hours until Esme and Alpha Cena were coming to pick up Elijah and I wanted to game with him one more time before he had to go back home.

Shawn nods to his father before walking out of the door with Elijah in hand after me. Moments later, his mother stops me in my tracks by grabbing my shoulder and asking me to talk for a moment. I nod before she pulls me to the side to start our conversation. I was curious as to what she wanted to talk to me about. I was certain that no one had seen what happened last night in the kitchen. I think I would die from embarrassment. Although I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to ask about the bandages on my arms and my forehead. Last time she had seen me I didn't have them.

"Angel, right?" she starts, grabbing my attention. I nod to let her know she was right and hug myself in discomfort.

"My husband may be dense and not know what goes on in the pack anymore now that we've stepped down but I try to know all. I was there on the day of your inauguration." She says smiling at me. I was worried that her husband would hear her call him dense but he was too busy saying his goodbyes to Elijah.

"My name is Maribel but you can call me Bell. I just want to let you know that if you need anything you can always come to me. I don't know how you and my son became acquainted but..." She says looking to the top of my head and quickly back to me.

"Just be patient with him, he's tough to warm up to and I know he can be self-absorbed but he's not a bad person." she explains. I was a little surprised by what she was saying.

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