Chapter 23

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Wanda Maximovich cradles baby Milla in her arms, singing a Sokovian lullaby her mother used to sing to her when she was a little girl. Despite what had occurred, despite disowning her, deep inside she still loved her mother; she always will be even if the older woman did not want any associations with her and her husband.

As if sensing her mother's dolefulness, baby Milla gave Wanda (variant) a firm squeeze of comfort. The dark-haired woman gazes at the infant and smiles, granting that she's just a baby, the mother could discern how powerful the child is.

Wanda (variant) could feel it within the little girl's body; her personal, spiritual, and dimensional energies are pulsing within - It felt like holding a bomb instead of a baby!

Baby Milla coos again when she sees a tear roll down her mother's eyes.

Wanda (variant) chuckles as she wipes her tears, "It's ok, I'm just happy you're here. Be strong, Milla," Then she kisses the infant's forehead.

Wanda Maximoff then watches the visions of Milla's earlier life. The redhead knew that Milka loved both of her parents but out of the two. She could see that she's much closer to the mother, as the majority of her memories consist of her presence as Vision's variant spent most of his days working and would usually come home in the evening.

"There you go, Milla. Now be careful... Take it easy..." Wanda (variant) said.

Wanda Maximoff (original) walked to the back of the house where she saw her variant coaching Milla on making her water animals from a small basin.

Milla's hands glowed creamish-gold psionic energy as she guides the stream of water to do her bidding. The water then started to morph into the shape of a little puppy where it animately wags its tail, barks, and runs around them.

"Sparky!" 3-year-old Milla exclaimed. Wanda (original) smiled for it's also the name Billy & Tommy had chosen for their beloved dog.

"Very good, Milla!" Wanda (variant) said happily.

The scene then morphs into another memory:

Wanda (variant) teaches Milla how to write and speak her native Sokovian language.

"Mama, your language is so difficult!" 4-year-old Milla said. The dark-haired Sokovian woman laughs.

"I know dear, you're daddy is still struggling with it as well," Wanda (variant) said.

"Give me any mathematical equation I can answer, but a Sokovian sentence is something I still cannot dissect!" Victor Vision said jocularly. Wanda playfully punches the man's chest since she couldn't do that to his machine-driven arm.

Despite his struggle, Victor Vision strives to learn the Sokovian language so he could speak expressively with his wife and also tutor his daughter till she could learn it as well. Within a month, Milla could speak Sokovian more confidently.

The dream then shifted into a forest-like area:

Victor Vision uproots a sample of a mushroom from the ground, he puts it in the container where it will be delivered to the laboratory for analysis.

As Milla wandered nearby she saw a thick flat mushroom perking out of the tree. The 5-year-old Milla curiously stared at it then tried knocking the mysterious shelf fungus on the tree, thump, thump, thump! - it's hard as a rock!

Wanda Maximoff (original) notices the child's accelerated growth just like her children.

"Papa!" Milla called. Victor Vision stopped what he was doing to face the girl.

The Variant [Part One] [Wanda Maximoff [FF] | Elizabeth Olsen Where stories live. Discover now