Chapter 22

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Wanda Maximoff (original) has astrally projected back to the mysterious dream she has every time she sleeps. It appears that her variant has undoubtedly left her lavish living behind.

The woman and her now-husband, as Maximoff recognized a wedding band, have settled outside the city and into the middle-class suburbs. Victor Vision, wearing a lab coat and carrying a suitcase, was on his way to work when suddenly.

W. Maximovich: Victor! I think my water just broke!

The woman is heavily pregnant, being a mother herself, Maximoff could tell that it's about 8 months exact. Victor Vision hurriedly calls his coworker to tell his boss that he won't be able to go to work because of the incoming baby.

Victor Vision swoops Wanda Maximovich in his arms (bridal style) and places her safely in the car. The cyborg-man sped beyond the limit to the hospital, nearly hitting one car in a hurry.

"My wife's about to have a baby!" Victor Vision said to the nurses who helped Wanda to climb the bed, to be rushed to the Emergency room.

"Would you like your husband to stay with you?" Said the doctor, who looks exactly like Stephen Strange, a mundane variant. Wanda Maximovich only nodded, unable to speak from the pain.

"Alright! Here we go! Push!" Dr. Strange (variant) said.

Wanda Maximovich did as she was told. Throughout her labour; red sparks of energy flew everywhere toppling items all over the place.

"It's alright super mommy, one last push. The baby's about to come out. Push!" Dr. Strange said.

Wanda Maximovich screams as she pushes one last time: a loud cry can be heard as Dr. Strange held and cleansed the baby in his arms.

"Congratulations, Mr. Vision, it's a baby girl!" Dr. Strange said happily. The doctor passes the newborn infant to the cyborg-man. Victor Vision looked proudly at the baby then at Wanda.

"We did it, Wanda," Victor Vision said. The dark-haired Sokovian woman smiled undeterred by the exhaustion from giving birth.

"I wanna see her," Wanda said. Her husband passes the baby into her arms.

"What are we gonna name her," Victor Vision said.

Wanda Maximovich parted a little strand of dark hair from the baby's forehead. To their surprise, the baby opens her eyes revealing bright blue orbs identical to Victor Vision's.

"Milla. I want to call her Milla," Wanda Maximovich said.

A tear rolls from Wanda Maximoff's (the Scarlet Witch) eyes as she watches the scene. Even though she wasn't technically in there, she's happy for her variant. The woman has an illustrious career. A living husband that doesn't need to be reanimated with psychic energy. And a child that doesn't require a magic barrier to live — a breathing, living, existing human child that will blossom her own abilities soon.

The Scarlet Witch's astral form walks closer to the family. The red-haired woman wanted to have a closer glimpse of the baby. Baby Milla was happy and giggling throughout the entire time, suddenly the baby's gaze turns to her view.

Wait, can she see me? - The Scarlet Witch thought. The baby cooed curiously at the sight of Wanda Maximoff - her blue eyes glow with a smooth gold colour: The baby could see from a transdimensional perspective!

"What is she looking at?" Wanda Maximovich said as she notice the baby's gaze to the side.

"Maybe she's seeing an imaginary friend," Victor Vision joked, causing the adults in the room to laugh.

The Variant [Part One] [Wanda Maximoff [FF] | Elizabeth Olsen Where stories live. Discover now