Chapter 11

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Black Widow Variant - Scarlett Johansson

"Do not believe anything those self-absorbed sorcerers tell you about the beerhouse for this is no ordinary whore-bar where you'll have to jiggle your tits in front of nasty old married men for payment, we have a way of dealing with those," Liseth...

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"Do not believe anything those self-absorbed sorcerers tell you about the beerhouse for this is no ordinary whore-bar where you'll have to jiggle your tits in front of nasty old married men for payment, we have a way of dealing with those," Liseth said as she polishes the serving glasses and puts them properly on the wooden rack.

Wanda looks at the labels of the taps while polishing the glasses, most of the brewskis contained in them have interesting names such as amber ale, scotch ale, bitter, stout, porter, Belgian ale, mild ale, saison, tripel, and sour ale. Liseth took notice of the ginger's actions.

"You must have thought that beer only tastes like Coors isn't it?" Liseth said.

"I thought so too," Wanda said, her Sokovian accent looming out. She drank Coors during a party led by Tony Stark; being a rich party boy himself at the Avengers' headquarters and she didn't like it since - it was pale, watery, and just straight-up acrid to the taste.

"Well, beers like Coors are cut-price beers, containing cheaper & crappy adjuncts necessary for mass-production," Liseth said, placing another glass on the rack.

"I thought the Bierhaus is the cheapest drink house here?" Wanda said.

"Cheapest in the sense of being underfunded by the Abbey. But when it comes to raw materials? We have the premium ones. I told you, don't listen to those stuck-ups," Liseth said.

"We make craft beers of any kind. Some are called cores, which are the ones fresh and always available at the taps. We have the seasonals. We have the small batches that are limited so make sure you drink them before running out, and then the barrel-ages that take a long time to age but once you have it - It's worth it. And the dealcoholized versions of the ones I mentioned," Liseth said, as she introduced the taps one by one.

Wanda wanders around the taps' labels, grazing them with her fingers.

"Can I try a sample?" Wanda said, eager to learn more. Liseth smiled at the woman.

"Now we're talking," Liseth said.

"For beginners, both employee & customer, we usually do beer flights as an introductory course for them to be educated and at the same time find something they'll like," Liseth said, as she preps up the tester glasses to be filled with beer.

They started from something light and crisp, mild and malt-driven, then richly dark and smooth so that the drinker would have borrowed time to follow and calibrate the strength of each beer; to ensure that they would appreciate the nuances of the gentle fare before their palate is blown by the more intense and flavorful beers.

"Before starting working at the bar I'd like you to meet someone that would introduce you to the basics, hey Красота!" Called Liseth behind the Taps.

The Variant [Part One] [Wanda Maximoff [FF] | Elizabeth Olsen Where stories live. Discover now