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Even though he did what he thought was right, Nigel wasn't thanked. Even though he gave up everything for Jamie, Nigel wasn't thanked. Even though he showed Jamie how much he meant to him, Nigel wasn't thanked. He kept going over everything in his head. 

Where did it go wrong? Where did I go wrong?

The door to his cell opened, and a woman walked in. She wore a teal shirt and black pants with a long white coat. The woman smiled at him and sat down. "Hi, Nigel. I'm Doctor Karmine."

Nigel watched her with mild curiosity. "I already told them everything."

"Oh, you misunderstand. I'm not here to ask about what happened. I'm here to understand." She turned around and waved the security guard away. The guard nodded and walked out of the room, just out of earshot. "I know you did what you did to get closer to your friend. Jamie, right?"

Nigel stayed silent.

"It's okay, I understand. Jamie means a lot to you. We all have ways to show people we love how much we care about them. Sometimes they understand, sometimes they don't. But as long as you know you have their best interest at heart, then that's all that matters. You know Jamie is one of my patients. I just got off the phone with him. He's worried about you. He wants you to get the help you need."

Nigel shook his head. "Lies. I know he hates me."

"I'm not lying, Nigel. I have no reason to. He harbors no ill will against you. He cares about you and still cherishes your friendship even after everything that's happened. He told me so himself. The others you've hurt feel differently, but they don't matter. Do they? All that matters is that you're still in his thoughts."

Nigel felt a tear roll down his face. "He still cares about me? Really?"

Dr. Karmine smiled. "Yes, he does. You've made a big impact on Jamie's life. You made him stronger. If not for you, then where would he be? You've helped him in ways no one ever could. It's always been you."

A smile crept across Nigel's face. There's still hope. No matter what it takes, Jamie will understand everything I've done for him. He'll thank me. He'll thank me. He'll thank me.

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