Chapter 22

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Jamie watched Nigel climb in beside him in the back seat. He was about to ask him how he was doing when he looked at Nigel's hand. "Dude, what happened?"

Nigel held up his hand covered in gauze "Had a bit of an accident. It doesn't hurt anymore."

Noah looked back at and whistled. "Dang, man, you sure you don't need to get that looked at?"

Nigel shook his head. "I'm good. Really. Anyway, I'm guessing you're Noah?"

Noah grinned. "The one and only. Nice to meet you."

"Same," Nigel said, turning to Jamie. "How have you been?"

Jamie shrugged. "As well as I can be. These guys are helping me find out who's been after me. I'm starting to feel better. A lot better."

"Aw, I'm glad we can help, Jammy," Sarah said, turning into Gusto del Mondo. It was a relatively large building with vines running down the side. Two well-dressed employees were waiting in front of the door. "I'll go get a table."

"You did it last time. I'll do it," Noah said, getting out of the car before she could protest. The line almost wrapped around the building, so Jamie assumed Noah would have a long wait. But to his surprise, Noah walked straight up to the employees and started talking to them. They exchanged a few laughs before Noah jogged back to the car with a triumphant smile. "We'll have a table in five minutes. 

"How did you do that?" Jamie asked.

"My dad knew the owner. He was one of the first investors. I just asked if they could do something for me. I normally wouldn't use my family's name to get stuff, but that line is ridiculous."

Sarah turned to Nigel. "Noah is loaded. You should see his house. Have you been to Oakwood Estates?"

Noah threw his hands up. "Jeez, Sar. Why don't you tell him what kind of underwear I wear?"

"Boxers, and what's the big deal? I didn't say your house number or anything."

"You should see his motorcycle. It's insane. It's so fast," Jamie added.

"You sound like you've been on it," Nigel said.

"I might've," Jamie said hesitantly. "Okay, I did, and it was awesome."

"You...rode a motorcycle? You?" Nigel asked. "Like a real one?"

"He did. I watched him," Noah confirmed. He pulled out his phone and showed Nigel his bike. "Isn't she beautiful?"

"Wow, I've only seen these online. Aren't they super expensive and rare?" Nigel asked.

"Yep, but I got one. As far as I know, I'm the only one around here that has one." Noah put his phone back in his pocket and opened the door. "I think our table is ready. Let's go, people."


"Okay, I got to admit this is pretty cool," Sarah said as they were seated at the chef's table. The waiters made sure they had everything they needed. Not leaving the table unless Noah told them to. 

Noah picked up the menu and chuckled. "At least we'll get good service. Glad I get to use my powers for good."

"You said your dad was an investor. What happened?" Nigel asked. 

Noah looked at him, then looked away. "He died. He was killed by someone close to me. How much did Jamie tell you about us?"

"Not much. Just that you guys go to a group for people who survived killers. Nothing personal."

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