Chapter 17

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The next day on Jamie's way to school, he noticed something felt off. As he parked, he saw groups of students quickly looking at him then walking away. Everyone usually acted like he didn't exist. The sudden attention made him uncomfortable. When he stepped inside, it only got worse. Everyone who made eye contact with him acted like he had the plague and walked away in hushed whispers. "What's going on?" He asked himself. A feeling of relief washed over him as Nigel entered the school. "Dude, why is everyone acting like I just grew a second head?"

Nigel glanced around and pulled Jamie into the bathroom. Without saying anything, he took out his phone and shoved it in Jamie's face.

"What the hell?!" Jamie shouted as his face and house on the school's social media page. 

"I thought you knew?" Nigel said quietly. "It's everywhere. Someone took it the night the police showed up."

Jamie did know. He remembered seeing the article, but it didn't have his house or him in it. "Who did this?" His voice sounded like it was miles away.

"I don't know. The person who runs the site says they didn't do it. Someone hacked into it. They took it down, but everyone had already saw it. Though I guess me taking a screenshot doesn't help."

As if things couldn't get worse. "Jamie Oliver to the principal's office," The intercom announced. 

He couldn't believe it. This was the last thing he needed. He should've known someone would find out the details. Jamie's eyes widened as he remembered the flash from the other day. Could it be related? "Are you serious?"

"Don't worry, man. I'm sure he just wants to talk to you about it. I doubt you're in trouble."

"That's not what I'm worried about," Jamie said, walking out of the bathroom. The hallway was clear now. "At least everyone is gone. I'll see you later."

Nigel tried to smile, but even he knew it was forced. Jamie appreciated the attempt as he walked to the principal's office. As he walked into the office, the receptionist gestured for him to sit by the principal's door. He pretended not to notice the staff giving him side glances. 

The door to the principal's office opened, and Principal Vasquez stepped out. He smiled a Jamie and stepped aside to let him in. This was the first time he'd ever been called to the principal's office. 

"Good morning, Mr. Oliver. Please have a seat," Principal Vasquez said, sitting on the other side of his desk. He saw the look on Jamie's face and smiled. "Don't worry, Jamie. You're not in trouble. I want to start out by saying I'm sorry for what happened. I can only imagine how awful that night must have been for you."

"I don't really want to talk about it, sir," Jamie said bluntly. He didn't care if he was being rude. He was used to this conversation. He didn't want to have it again.

"I understand. I wanted to let you know that Berkley High is behind you. We hate when any student has to face any situation by themselves. We have resources to assist you if you would like them."

Jamie laughed. "I already go to therapy. So I'm covered there. Honestly, sir, I just want to go home."

"Now, Jamie, running from our problems won't make them disappear. While I can't let you go home, I can see if councilor Brown is available. I'm sure he wouldn't mind speaking to you."

"Did he not hear what I just said?" Jamie thought. "Sir, I don't need it. Can I go to class? I'd rather take my chances with the whispers behind my back."

Principal Vasquez sighed. "Listen, Mr. Oliver. I just want you to know that we're here to help you. However, if you change your mind, we can set something up with the counselor." He took out a hall pass and handed it to Jamie.

Jamie knew what this was really about. Principal Vasquez was concerned that this would get more attention on the school. He was a risk that Vasquez didn't want anything else hurting the school's reputation. Jamie forced a smile and headed out of the office to second period. 

As soon as he walked into class, everyone turned to him, including the teacher. Once that awkward moment passed, he walked to his seat. Nigel nodded at him and pointed to his phone. Jamie took out his and texted, "So how bad is it?"

"Well, everyone thinks you're gonna get murdered, so that's a thing," Nigel texted back.  "They think if they get near you, they'll get hurt. On the bright side, at least you're not the only one everyone is talking about. Remember Daniel? He got killed. No one knows how. He was in police custody. No one should've been able to get to him without someone noticing."

"Seriously?" Jamie whispered.

Nigel nodded. 

"What the hell is going on around here?" Jamie asked.

Mrs. Nixon cleared her throat. "Mr. Oliver, do you have something to add?" Everyone turned to him. Some were snickering while others were just staring.

"Careful, Mrs. Nixon. He might tell that killer, and your face might get taken next." Jamie knew that voice. Bruce Chalke. Football star of Berkely. Annoying as hell. 

"Mr. Chalke, that's enough. Don't say things like that in my classroom," Mrs. Nixon said, returning to her lecture.

"I'm just saying. He did something to anger that killer. No one just gets random faces delivered to their house." Bruce smiled in Jamie's direction. "So, what did you do? Everyone's wondering."

Jamie never felt more embarrassed and angry in his life. He wanted to walk over and punch Bruce as hard as he could. 

"Mind your own business, Bruce. Instead of playing detective, why don't you stick to what you're decent at? Like football," Nigel said.

Bruce scoffed and turned away from them. "Of course, you'd say something."

Nigel's head whipped around. "What's that supposed to--"

"If anyone else says another word, you all will get detention. Do I make myself clear?" 

"Yes, ma'am," The three of them said in unison. Jamie could feel Bruce staring daggers in the side of his skull. He couldn't wait until the day was over. 

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