Chapter 21

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No matter how much Jamie tried to sleep, he was constantly plagued with nightmares. This time he watched Eric Black successfully remove his face and hold it up to the light. The twisted glee on his face chook Jamie to his core.

"I'm so sorry, Jamie. But this is my finest work yet. I want to thank you. I promise I won't let this go to waste," Eric Black said as he carefully placed Jamie's face onto his metal tray. "Now, what to do with the rest of you." Black's laugh echoed through his head. Jamie didn't realize he was screaming until his mother burst through the door and hugged him.

"It's okay, sweetie! It's alright!" She pulled him close and stroked his hair. "It was just a bad dream."

He wished he could believe her. It felt like it was more than that. Jamie took his hand and touched the side of his face. Flinching as soon as his fingers touched his skin. His breathing steadied as his mind was put at ease. It didn't stop his body from shaking like a wet dog. He felt like a baby in his mom's arms. He hated putting her through this. She has already been through enough. That frustration brought tears to his eyes. How much was he making her suffer alongside him? She deserved so much more than this.

"Ma?" He said, wiping his face.

"Yea, baby?" She said, wiping her face.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you dare apologize. You needed me, and I came. That's what moms are supposed to do. I'll come running every time you need me. No matter how old you get." She felt his hands coving hers. "I love you, Jamie. You are my whole world. Not a day goes by where I worry I might lose you. I want you to go out. Live your life. I'll always worry about you. That's my job."

Her words hit him like a car. "I love you too."

Denise laughed and let him go. "Good, because I wouldn't have let you go if you didn't say it back." 

He felt like he was five again and didn]t want her to go. However, he knew she was tired and didn't say anything. He was able to manage a sad attempt at a smile. She could see he was still hurting but smiled back. Neither of them wanted to leave the other. 

"You should get some rest," Denise said, kissing his forehead and walking out of his room.

Jamie leaned back and stared at the ceiling. "This will be over soon. I'll make sure of it," He promised himself. With Noah and Sarah's help, he was sure they'd get to the bottom of it. One way or another.


After assuring his mother that he'd keep her posted on where he was, Jamie was allowed to go meet Noah and Sarah. They decided to meet at Pukka Coffee. A small coffee shop in town. It was Noah's idea. He thought it would be a good place since that area got plenty of foot traffic. If anyone tried anything, they'd know, which he appreciated. 

When he walked through the front door of the shop, he was greeted by a barista. "Hi, what can I get you?" 

Jamie wasn't much of a coffee drinker. He looked over the menu and decided on black tea. He walked around the corner and saw Noah looking out the window. As soon as Jamie came into his view, Noah's face lit up. "Hey, nice of you to join us. You doing alright?"

Jamie sat in the empty chair across from him. "Yeah, I'm alright. Where's Sarah?"

"Bathroom. She should be out in a few. Here, let me show you what I found." Noah reached into his bag and pulled out an Alienware laptop. 

"I didn't know you play games."

Noah laughed. "I only play once and a while. Mostly shooters and racing games. You?"

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