Chapter 1

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It's not every day you find yourself staring down a serial killer. Jamie played through all the ways he could've avoided finding himself in this situation, strapped down to a steel table waiting to die. He wondered how someone who he thought he could trust could turn out to be a killer. He hated himself for not seeing the signs. The way the killer always asked if he was taking care of his skin. Jamie always thought he was just into taking care of himself. He never questioned the killer being a super neat freak. Everything had to be a certain way, or the killer would get angry. Maybe things would've turned out differently if he had paid more attention. He knew he should've just walked home. He didn't think it was weird that the killer was waiting for him and offered him a ride. Jamie knew something was wrong when they drove past his house, and then everything went dark.

Jamie's head snapped towards the opening door. The killer walked in, washing his hands and smiling. "Alright, Jamie. I'm finally ready for you. Sorry to keep you waiting." He pushed over a tray lined with different medical instruments. "I hope you don't think any less of me. This is my art. You should feel honored." 

Jamie refused to cry. Even though everything in his body told him to scream. He was about to die. He just hoped it would be quick. He hoped his relationship with him would count for something. 

The killer watched him for a moment before taking his index finger and tracing the outline of Jamie's face, then tapping the spot where he started. "Maybe I'll give your face to my son. You boys are around the same age. I do wish you could've met him. I'm sure you would've been fast friends."  He picked up a scalpel and held it to Jamie's cheek. "I'll be honest with you. This will hurt. Most people die halfway through. But I know you're a strong young man, Jamie. You won't disappoint me."

Jamie winced as he felt the cold steel pierce the side of his face. "Please, God, don't let me die."

A sudden boom came from the opposite room. The killer turned his head and cursed under his breath. "I'm so sorry, Jamie. I knew I should've handled my other artworks first. I'll be right back." He sat the scalpel back down on the table and walked out of the room. Jamie waited until the killer's footsteps faded before struggling against his restraints. He struggled for a while until he felt his left arm strap felt loose. If only he could... His eyes went wide as he got an idea. He sucked in a large breath before twisting his hand. He kept twisting until he felt a pop. He bit his lip to stop himself from screaming, but he managed to undo the strap. He didn't have time to celebrate. He used his injured hand to undo his other than his leg straps. He reached onto the table and grabbed the scalpel with his blood on it. 

Jamie hurried to the door and pressed himself to the side of it. He heard the sound of footsteps quickly approaching and readied himself. He held the scalpel with his right hand and had to make himself stop shaking. When the door slid open, Jamie trusted the scalpel into the killer's side and ran for the exit. As he was running, he quickly caught a glance at the bathroom. Two women with large gashes across their stomachs lay dead on the floor. He could feel the vomit rising in his throat but refused to let it out.

"JAMIE! COME BACK!" The killer screamed. He could hear uneven footsteps hurrying towards him, but Jamie didn't stop running. He didn't know where he was, but he could see the only thing that mattered—the exit. Jamie hit the door with his shoulder as hard as possible and burst it open. He looked around and noticed he was in an alleyway. His eyes landed on the street not too far from him. He turned around and saw the killer still coming towards him with murder in his eyes. He knew it wouldn't do much, but Jamie shut the door and bolted to the main road. Tears flowed down his face as he made his way closer to freedom. The sound of a door opening behind him only made him run harder. His lungs burned as his feet pounded the pavement. Jamie was so busy trying to get away that he didn't notice the couple he crashed into.

"Dude, what's your--" The man stopped himself as he noticed Jamie's state. "Are you okay?"

"Oh my god, you're bleeding! And your hand. What happened?" His girlfriend asked.

Jamie turned back towards the alleyway and saw the killer standing there. His anger makes him look like a demon. Jamie didn't know if he was just out of it, but he could've sworn he saw the killer's eyes glowing red. "Call the cops!" Jamie blurted out. 

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