Start from the beginning

"What you do mean nothing to be worried about?" I asked him finally.

He glanced at me once then focused back on the road and said "I meant, you are smart Ameera. And if those people doing your interview don't see it then it's their loss. Simple" he shrugged as if it was that easy. *scoffs*

"What if I mess up? There is no going back and I so badly wanna get this internship" I stressed the word 'no' for him to understand how important this was for me.

"I know how much this means for you. Just have faith and sabr. Everything will go good, In Shaa Allah." He tried to calm me, which worked. "Besides whatever He has planned for you, will be the best. So sit back and relax. Try not to overthink about anything"

I didn't say anything, just gave him a nod and looked outside the window. I tried my best to get distracted by the beauty of nature which by the way wasn't hard when you enjoy nature. There is something about nature that helps me relax instantly. I enjoy the greenery, different shades of flowers, ocean waves, and the color of the sky. I enjoy the sunsets and sunrise. I enjoy anything and everything about nature, absolutely love it. I mean don't you guys find it  beautiful how the sky can change into so many different colors? Subhan Allah! Anyways getting off track here. I was so immersed into looking outside that I didn't realize we had already reached.

We got down the car and walked inside Idris corp. it was beautiful inside.

The lady in the reception saw us and her eyes went wide

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The lady in the reception saw us and her eyes went wide. I stared at her confused. Then realized she was looking at Ahmed. As we neared her I could tell she was getting nervous.

She started stuttering "Sir, I wasn't info-"

Ahmed cut her off "We were asked to come around 9 for the interview miss. Can you please direct us the way to the waiting area?" He asked her politely.

She looked confused at first then composed herself and said "Of course. This way please"

I didn't think much of what happened cause I could feel my palm sweating thinking about the interview.

We were sitting for around 5-10 minutes. No one was here other than us. I guess we were the first ones to arrive. Ahmed's interview was before me. I cannot understand how he can be so calm. A lady came with an iPad in her hand and called Ahmed's name. When she saw him, she was shocked but recovered quickly. There is definitely something that I don't know. It's starting to annoy me with the way everyone was reacting looking at Ahmed here. As if he was some big shot. I narrowed my eyes at him till he disappeared behind the door.

It was barely around 15 minutes before the door opens and a smiling Ahmed walked out. The lady with the iPad called my name saying it was my turn to go in. I looked at Ahmed nervously and he gave me an encouraging smile. I took a deep breath, said bismillah, and entered the room.

There were 2 men and a woman sitting. They asked me to say a few things about myself. After briefly telling them about me they started questioning me.

"So miss Ameera, why do want to join here?"

"What was the thing that made you want to join here?"

"Will you be able to manage university as well as this internship?"

The questions went on for around 15-20 minutes. I could tell they were happy with my answers and I said a quick thanks to Allah SWT for making it easier for me. If it wasn't for him I don't think I would have done this interview so well. I was told that the internship starts tomorrow sharp at 9:30 and that Miss Kayla would show me around and help me with whatever queries I have.

I was so happy that I beamed happily at all of them and thanked them for giving me this opportunity and walked out the door trying to contain my squeals. I found Ahmed waiting for me and gave him a big smile and nod my head to which he returns with his own and mouth's 'I told you'. I playfully roll my eyes at him.

We went to an Indian restaurant to have lunch. We ordered south-style Indian curry. Gosh, their food is just too delicious. My mouth was watering while waiting for the food to arrive. After having lunch we went to the park for some walking. There we met Nina and my buddy Dre. I was so happy to meet him again. He stuck with me the whole time till we had to leave. He was a bit upset while leaving but I reassured him that I will meet with him later for a whole day which got him happy and excited. He kept rambling about how he couldn't wait to share his toys with me. Just adorable! Ahmed dropped us home.

After entering the home, I told the news to my parents. They were so happy for us. I prayed shukrana to thank Him for blessing me with everything and always being there with or without me asking.

I was just done having a snack when I heard a notification. It was a message from Ahmed.
*opens his message*

Ahmed🤪- hey just wanted to ask if you were free this week. Taskeen wants to hang out with you.

Me- Um...tell her I'm free on Friday and I would like her to join me for Salatul Jumma.

Ahmed🤪- okay!
*keeps phone aside*

I can't wait to start this internship. *squeals* I have a good feeling about this one...

Chapter 23
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So Ameera finally figuring out that Ahmed is hiding something from her😵
How do you think she will react when she finds out the truth?😐
Let me know what you guys think of this chapter 🫶

*******So Ameera finally figuring out that Ahmed is hiding something from her😵How do you think she will react when she finds out the truth?😐Let me know what you guys think of this chapter 🫶

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