"Oops?" (Sex)

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Somebody- Natalie la rose
Truffle butter - nickkki minja
Friday nights in Justin and I's large home. meant one thing and one thing only: guy's night. I didn't have much of a problem with it since most of Justin's friends lacked the characteristics of a dick and even seemed to enjoy my company occasionally.
They were watching a basketball game when I came out to replace the bowl of popcorn with drinks and a platter of tortilla chips and nacho cheese, several hands reaching for it the minute I placed it on the coffee table.
"Hey Ma ," Justin's friend Za spoke while grabbing a handful of chips, "What's the name of that dip you made last week? Y'know, that went with the Doritos? I've been craving it ever since." He reminisced while stuffing the chips in his mouth.
"Not to mention the cookies you made for Justin's birthday!" Nash cut in, "Jesus woman, you'll be the death of me. Seriously, if I weren't in a miserable relationship-"

"Paws off, dick." Justin's voice suddenly cut in as he came from the bedroom. He wrapped an arm around my waist before sitting in the recliner, pulling me onto his lap and making me giggle, "She's all mine."
He looked up at me and smiled proudly before leaning up to peck my lips softly, easily making me want for more (as always) but I made sure to behave in front of company, although Justin obviously wasn't holding up his side of the deal. I smiled back at him before stroking the back of his head, tangling my fingers in his hair.
"You guys need anything else?" I asked.
"Nah, we're good baby. Thank you." He rubbed slow and gentle circles on my waist and I knew I had to get up or I'd be glued to him before the guys even got a chance to leave.
"Okay. I'm gonna go shower." I withdrew from him quickly, noticing the hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips as I made my way to the bathroom.

After a well-needed fifteen minute shower I walked to the bedroom and dried myself thoroughly. After pulling one of Justin's V-necks over my head, I began making my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water when I heard the silent murmuring of the guys.

"Shut up before she hears you!" Justin's voice stood out among the others.

"Calm down, jack off. The only one she'll be able to hear is you." Another one of Justin's friends spoke, "Now continue."

"There's nothing left to tell, it's no big deal." Justin waved it off but there was obviously something still on his mind. And I wanted to know what was so important that it was imperative for me not to hear it.

"You're miserable in your sex life and it's no big deal?" Tyler mocked, adding a chuckle at the end of his sentence.


"I am not miserable!" Justin interjected, and that kind of made me feel better, "I'm just...lately she hasn't turned me on that much and I have to force myself to get him up sometimes, if you know what I'm saying."

Spoke too soon.

My ego was completely buried and it felt like a truck hit me right in my abdomen. Justin wasn't satisfied with our sex life? And more importantly, he was blabbing about it to his friends? I mean, I'd expect him to but I thought we were doing fine! Sure, I noticed that when we had sex there was something different about it and we didn't have sex as frequently as we used to (or how I would have liked) but I didn't know he had to force himself to get a fucking boner! And now his friends know that my cooking may be good but I have no talents in bed apparently! How fucking embarrassing!

Choosing not to hear any of this anymore, I turned quietly before retreating back into Justin and I's bedroom. I felt the tears spill over before I even realized that I wanted to cry and I curled myself into bed, lightly sobbing into one of the pillows. I was utterly humiliated and, better yet, ashamed that I wasn't satisfying the man I love more than anything in the world. As I drowned in my own guilt, a sudden idea came to mind and I knew it was absurd but I also knew that I had to do it. I had to show Justin that I could satisfy him in every way possible, and that's exactly what I planned to do.
An hour and a half later I heard the rumbling of the guys gathering their coats and placing their dishes into the sink before departing. A little while after their little conversation about Justin's sex issue Justin came in to ask me if I was hungry but I took the easy way out and pretended I was asleep. If I chose to speak he'd know something was wrong and I didn't want to get into that tonight. So I improvised instead.
While they were ranting and raving over the game I quietly gathered the kinky lace my best friend bought me for my birthday this year. And it was definitely kinky. I swore to myself that I'd never take that thing out of its bag but duty calls. Once I was sure that my boobs were pushed up high enough that it would physically hurt Justin to take his eyes off them I began putting on make-up. Not heavy but just enough to "turn him on" since I obviously wasn't before.

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