Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

My name is Bella and I am 15 years old and I don't know my parents names all I know is that they lived in Forks Washington on the La push reservation and when I was 3 years old I was sent to a children's home in Seattle and 5 months after I was adopted by a family who go by the name of Denali who live in Alaska.

So now I know the family loved me like their own child, sister and niece which I can't be happier about because I know no matter what I'll have a family to go back to if something where to ever happen to them or me but when I was 6 years old I found out they were vampires and that they feed from animals and that was fine.

Then when I became 9 years old I started getting anger issues and I started shaking and months later it went to far and it got so far that I ended up phasing into a wolf and even though vampires and wolves are meant to be enemies my family still care and love me like they did before I phased which I am happy about because I know nothing will break us apart not even my real family.

Right now I am in my bedroom lying on my bed wishing I could sleep more but I knew in less than 10 seconds my mother will be banging on my door so I just lied on my bed and waited and so then as I waited I heard the door and my mom shouted Isabella get up and I said yes mom.

So then I got out of my bed and I got washed and ready and then I ran out of my room and went downstairs hoping that my parents would let me go for a run today without being followed by auntie Irina or uncle Garrett or auntie Tanya or auntie Kate because when they follow me they always tell on me of what I do on my runs which I hate.

As soon as I got downstairs I ran into the kitchen and I saw my mom and dad sitting down at the table talking and so I walked up to them and I sat down at the table were my plate of food was and I started eating it just wishing someone would say something because it was so quiet.

So as I was eating my mom Carmen said Bella the family are going out hunting tonight because we are having our distant family over tomorrow morning so I want you to stay in the house and I said ok but until tonight can I go running and my parents then both looked at me.

Then my dad Eleazar said now Bella you know how we feel about you going into the woods on your own and I said yeah I know but please daddy I need to run every 4 days or my wolf won't be able to phase again we learnt that the hard way last time and it's already been 5 days and my mom said Bella sweetie we understand you have to keep phasing but we can't let you go into the woods on your own.

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